

食譜:茄皇海鮮燴豆腐 (Seafood mix with tofu in tomato sauce)

好多日無出食譜啦, 大家放心, 我無事,
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只係好忙, 最近有project 要趕, 所以真係要用多精神同時間去做, 放工又唔想寫, 想睇下電視, 打吓機休息吓, 仲要做運動, 所以時間真係越來越少, 不過遲啲project做好, 應該會好好多

星期一我要考試, 希望順順利利啦, 書就讀晒, mock亦做過好多次, 都唔覺得有咩問題, 不過正式考試係點,

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今日就出返個健康啲嘅餸, 就係海鮮蕃茄燴豆腐啦

蕃茄又幾好味幾健康, 唔需要我多講啦, 真係食得多, 人都靚啲呀,

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豆腐記得用滑豆腐, 煮之前加少少鹽係面等佢出水, 又或者可以方入微波爐叮1分鐘, 甚至出水都打, 無問題, 煮時就要小心啲, 要溫柔啲對佢呀

講真, 真係好易整, 蕃茄本身嘅鮮味已經好好味, 個汁要甜啲就自己加啲糖啦, 大家總知記得要試吓呀, 蕃茄通介紹得, 包你飯都食多兩碗呀

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(Password: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
Prep 準備: 10 minutes |  Cook烹調: 25 minutes |  For 份量: 4 people 

材料 Ingredients
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1- 蕃茄4個, 切件 (4 tomato, cut into pieces)

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2- 滑豆腐1盒, 切粒 (1 box of soft tofu, diced)
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3- 蒜蓉2湯匙 (2 tbsp minced garlic)
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4- 中蝦10-12隻, 去殼挑腸 (10-12 medium shrimps, shell removed, cleaned)
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5- 蟹柳8條, 切粒 (8 crab meat sticks, diced)
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6- 中洋蔥1個, 切件  (1 medium onion, cut into pieces)

汁料 Sauce
份量只供參考 (just for reference only)

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1- 糖1湯匙 (1 tbsp of sugar)
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2- 水1/2杯匙 (1/2 cup of water)
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3- 老抽1湯匙 (1 tbsp of black soya sauce)

做法 Steps

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1- 先將海鮮料用醃蒜鹽(或鹽)和胡椒粉醃10分鐘備用, 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 放入海鮮料炒熟(圖1), 盛起備用
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 先炒香蒜蓉, 再加洋蔥和1/3茶匙鹽炒軟, 加入蕃茄和1/2湯匙糖炒軟(圖2), 加入汁料兜勻, 滾起再加入豆腐蓋頂炆2分鐘(圖3), 加會海鮮汁料輕手兜勻(圖4),  上碟
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Marinade the shrimps and crab meat with some garlic salt (or salt) and white pepper for 10 minutes.  Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil over high heat.  Stir fry seafood until done (fig.1).  Put it aside

tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil over high heat.  Stir fry the garlic until fragrant.  Stir fry the onion with 1/3 tsp of salt until soft.  Stir in the tomato with 1/2 tbsp of sugar until soft (fig.2).  Stir in the sauce mix and heat through.  Add the tofu and simmer it with closed lid over high heat for 2 minutes (fig.3).  Stir in the seafood and mix it well (fig.4).  Dish it up and serve it in hot.

貼士 Tips
1- 汁料味道要自己調教, 好酸則加鹽, 好甜則加糖
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 汁料要杰一點可以加生粉水
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3- 按這裡查看 "
有關烹調術語"  的解釋
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1- Adjust the taste according to your preference.  Add salt to make it sour or add sugar to make it sweet.
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2- Add some corn starch mixed with cold water to thicken the sauce.
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3- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this recipe)

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