

食譜: 樂樂雞翼 (Fried wings in coke sauce)

大家好呀, 又星期一啦,
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今日天氣好好呀, 出面終於無咁凍啦, 凍左差唔多2個星期, 差唔多日日都唔想出街呀


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有無唔慣呀, 我通常放完假之後做野通常好無心機呀, 哈哈

今日整哩個餸比大家等大家食完開心啲呀, 因為可樂有高糖, 食完心情實會好好多呀, 哈哈 (

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整可樂雞翼唔好祈望煮完會好有可樂味, 個味道只係甜甜地, 無咩可樂嘅味道, 你有無飲過無氣唔凍可樂呀? 咪好似糖水咁嘅, 就係咁嘅味囉

雞翼醃時記得落少啲糖喎, 你都知可樂係高糖啦,

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落咁多糖會好甜呀, 雞翼有人唔煎就咁炆, 我就覺得煎香先炆好味啲啦

個汁要分3次炆, 因為一次落, 會有好多泡呀, 慢慢落, 慢慢炆呀,

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又唔急, 唔需要一次過落晒呀

個汁炆完自己會杰杰地, 如果唔會可以加啲生粉水整杰去呀

我就覺得非常得意, 簡單又好味啦, 除非你唔飲可樂啦,

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(Password: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
Prep 準備: 15 minutes |  Cook烹調: 25 minutes |  For 份量: 4 people 

材料 Ingredients
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1- 雞翼1磅左右 (1 lbs chicken wings)

汁料 Sauce
份量只供參考 (just for reference only)

tonytsang and kareny recipy
可樂1罐 (1 cane of coke)

做法 Steps

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1- 先將雞翼用基本野醃15分鐘備用
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2- 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 放入雞翼炒至外面微焦(圖1), 加入1/3罐可樂, 蓋頂快火炆7分鐘(注意乾水), 再倒入1/3罐可樂, 蓋頂快火炆7分鐘, 再倒入1/3罐可樂, 蓋頂快火炆7分鐘(圖2),  上碟
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Marinade the wings with basic the seasoning for 15 minutes. 
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2- Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil over high heat.  Stir fry the wings until brown (fig.1).  Add 1/3 cane of coke and heat through.  Simmer it with closed lid over high heat for 7 minutes (be aware the water dried out) .  Add 1/3 cane of coke and heat through.  Simmer it with closed lid over high heat for 7 minutes again.  Add 1/3 cane of coke and heat through.  Simmer it with closed lid over high heat for 7 minutes again.  Dish it up serve it in hot.

貼士 Tips
1- 用基本野醃時可以減少糖份, 因為可樂已經有好多糖
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2- 炆時要不時攪動及注意乾水, 以免黏低
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3- 按這裡查看 "
有關烹調術語"  的解釋
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Marinade the wings with less sugar as the coke has already a lot of sugar
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2- Stir the ingredient time by time and be aware the water dried out to avoid the ribs stick to the pan.
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3- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this recipe)

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