

食譜: 意國麒麟豆腐 (Steam Proscuitto tofu wrap)

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不知不覺已經去到年尾啦, 時間真係過得好快, 我都唔覺唔覺已經結左婚一年有多, 哈哈, 大家開始買聖誕禮物未呀? 有無準備咩節目咁呢?

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今日哩個餸, 都係超簡單, 包完去蒸, 蒸煮嘅時候, 仲可以同時整多碟菜, 1餸1菜都不需多過40分鐘, 你話係唔係快靚正先 


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但用金華火腿處理步驟比較多, 成本亦較貴, 我係外國更加唔易買到啦, 所以改用意大利煙燻火腿片

意大利煙燻火腿片係外國有貴有唔貴, 大家唔係咁咀尖的話, 普通係超市買個啲已經唔錯啦, 一片片切好晒,

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豆腐今次用布包, 無的話, 用盒裝蒸用豆腐都得, 唔建議大家用滑豆腐, 因為好容易爛, 包時會比較麻煩啦


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懶的話, 就咁用生抽加麻油都得, 想靚啲又唔怕麻煩可以用玻璃獻都得(生粉+雞粉+水)

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點呀, 唔好又同我講話難呀, 哩碟快靚正嘅餸, 真係老少咸宜, 無論請客自用都咁好呀, 大家一定一定要試吓呀 

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tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 35分鐘左右      份量: 4人

材料 Ingredients
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1- 意大利煙燻火腿片14塊 (14 slices of prosciutto ham)
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2- 布包豆腐3-4磚 (3-4 tofu)
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3- 紅蘿蔔1條, 去皮, 切粒 (1 red carrot, peeled, diced)
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4- 冬菇14隻, 浸軟去蒂 (14 Dried mushroom, stemmed off, soaked)

汁料 Sauce
份量只供參考 (just for reference only)

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1- 蠔油2湯匙 (2 tbsp of oyster sauce)
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2- 水1湯匙 (1 tbsp of water)
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3- 糖1/3茶匙 (1/3 cup of sugar)

做法 Steps

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1- 先將豆腐切成14塊, 用燻火腿片包好, 上碟(圖1), 冬菇用少去生抽, 糖, 麻油醃10分鐘, 再放上每個豆腐包上, 每塊冬菇加上紅蘿蔔粒
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 水滾放入豆腐包, 隔水蒸10分鐘 (圖2), 小心倒去碟內的水, 再將汁料於鑊煮滾, 淋上豆腐包即成即成
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Slice the tofu into 14 pieces.  Wrap each piece of tofu with the prosciutto (fig.1).  Marinade the mushroom with some soya sauce, sugar, sesame oil for 10 minutes.  Put each mushroom on top of each tofu wrap and add one diced red carrot on top of each mushroom.
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- Steam the tofu wrap over high heat for 10 minutes (fig.2).  Drain the water in the dish carefully.  Boil the sauce mix in a pan over high heat.  Pour it over the tofu wraps.  Serve it in hot.

貼士 Tips
1- 煙燻火腿片已有鹹味, 所以汁料不需再加鹽
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 冬菇浸軟去蒂後, 最好先壓出菇內的水, 會比較乾淨及能去臭味 
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3- 按這裡查看 "
有關烹調術語"  的解釋
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Prosciutto is already salty, you don't need to add salt into the sauce mix
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2- To clean the mushroom properly, remember to press the mushroom to remove the water inside of the mushroom
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3- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this recipe)

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