

食譜: 雙色芝士焗意粉 (Double cheese pasta in tomato sauce)

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計吓計吓, 我都出左超過220個食譜啦喎, 真係估唔到, 其實我仲有好多存貨係草稿區, 到現時為止, 我仲未重覆過我啲食譜,
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哈哈, 真係連我都估唔到呀


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本來諗著唔出啦, 但大家都好想睇, 好啦, 我出啦, 唔好嫌佢無咩特別呀, 因為真係好易整

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其實煮意粉唔係難呀, 但好多香港嘅朋友(突然好文雅, 哈哈)都喜歡同意粉過冷河, 其實真係無咁嘅需要, 因為意粉通常煮完唔會再煮佢, 所以過完冷河凍晒唔好味, 又唔會爽口啲, 啲粉又無晒黏力, 索唔到啲汁

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至於個茄汁, 真係超易啦, 好多人都發覺我會用茄膏, 因為茄膏會令啲汁杰, 茄汁係做唔到, 同埋茄汁過甜, 無咁好味, 無茄膏的話, 可以用罐頭蕃茄湯又得, 買現成意粉醬又得, 而且唔洗調味,
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要香口啲, 就不況用多少少時間, 加啲芝士去焗,

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效果真係非常之好, 惹味好多呀,
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不過唔好用夾麵包個啲芝士喎, 雖然都係芝士, 但夾麵包個啲易濃好多, 而且好多時會溶晒咁, 唔單止唔靚, 仲唔多香呀

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齋整個意粉, 20分鐘就搞掂啦, 因為煲意粉同時, 可以煮個汁, 可以話同步進行, 絕對唔會用多你好多時間呀, 如果大家肚餓, 又無咩時間, 真係不況試吓佢,
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(密碼 password: tonytsang)
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烹調時間: 40分鐘左右      份量: 4人

材料 Ingredients

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1- 腸仔8條, 切件 (8 sausage, cut into pieces)

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2- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)
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3- 中型洋蔥1個, 去衣切件 (1 medium onion, cut into pieces)
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4- 芝士(車打, 水牛)碎1杯(1 cup of shredded cheddar/Mozzarella cheese)
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5- 乾蘿勒碎1湯匙 (1 tbsp of dried basil)
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6- 蕃茄2個, 切件 (2 tomato, cut into pieces)
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7- 意粉(任何一類)4人份量 (4 people portion of any pasta)
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汁料 Sauce mix

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
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1- 茄汁3湯匙 (3 tbsp of ketchup)
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2- 茄膏4湯匙 (2 tbsp of tomato paste)

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3- 鹽1茶匙 (1 tsp of salt)
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4- 糖1茶匙 (1 tsp of sugar)
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5- 水1/2杯 (1/2 cup of water)
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做法 Steps

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1- 意粉先按照包裝的指示煮熟, 隔去水, 再加1湯匙橄欖油(或食油)攪勻, 放於焗盤中
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快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 爆香蒜茸, 加洋蔥和1茶匙鹽炒至軟身(圖1), 加腸仔炒香及炒熟(圖2), 加入蕃茄炒香, 再加入汁料(圖3)兜勻, 汁滾淋於意粉上, 再灑上芝士(圖4), 放入焗爐用約400F焗至芝士金黃, 灑上香草即成
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1- Cook the pasta following the package instruction.  Drain it well and mix 1 tbsp of olive oil or cooking oil.  Put the pasta into the baking container evenly. 
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2- Heat the pan with some oil over high heat (at least 1 tbsp of oil).  Stir fry the garlic until fragrant.  Stir in onion with 1 tsp of salt until soft (fig.1).  Stir fry the sausages until fully cooked (fig.2).  Stir in tomato and stir fry it.  Stir in the sauce mix and mix it well (fig.3).  Once the sauce is boiled, pour it over the pasta, and add cheese on the top (fig.4).  Bake it in the oven with 400F until the cheese is golden.  Add some basil on the top.  Serve it in hot.
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貼士 Tips

1- 意粉不建議過冷河, 保持它的質感
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2- 茄汁料可以用現成的意粉醬代替, 不用調味, 更方便

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1- Do not rinse the pasta to keep its texture.
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2- You can use the pasta sauce from super market to replace the sauce mix. 

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