

食譜: 涼瓜肉環 (Minced pork in the bitter melon)

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奧運期間真係辛苦我呀, 晚晚睇到好夜, 昨日又睇游泳比賽同埋體操睇到1點呀, 今日好眼瞓呀, 救命呀

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不過賽事真係好緊湊呀, 美國游泳phels 真係好犀利呀, 22歲已經囉左11面奧運金牌呀, 女子體操又好好睇呀, 美國同中國鬥得好緊張呀, 最後中國贏到金牌,
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我都覺得好開心呀, 好感人呀

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今日哩個靚餸, 其實都有少少難度呀, 最難當然就係填滿個苦瓜, 但又唔好比佢甩出嚟喎, 秘訣就係每個苦瓜都要填滿少少, 同埋要灑好粟粉, 煎好就小心啲, 唔好反得太大力就無咩問題啦

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我知有唔少人怕苦, 所以我今次出左水, 我覺得真係無咁苦呀, 所以你怕苦的話, 不況先出水, 如果唔怕的話, 唔出都得喎


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大家有無見我碟中有啲肉呀? 無錯, 如果你填晒啲苦瓜仲有淨啲肉, 可以扼成肉球, 同苦瓜環一齊煮, 雖然無苦瓜, 但都好好味呀


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我覺得填苦瓜其實都幾好玩呀, 哈哈哈

正所謂: 涼瓜肉環夠得意, 一於整嚟試吓先 

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 苦瓜2條 (2 bitter melons)
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2- 碎豬肉3/4磅 (3/4 lbs of minced pork)
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3- 蝦米2湯匙, 浸軟切粒 (2 tbsp of chopped dried shrimps, soaked)
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4- 紅辣椒粒1湯匙 (1 tbsp of chopped red pepper)
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5- 蒜茸1湯匙 (1 tbsp of minced garlic)
tonytsang and kareny recipytonytsang and kareny recipy

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 李x牌蒜茸豆豉醬3湯匙 (3 tbsp black bean and garlic sauce)
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 蠔油1湯匙 (1 tbsp oyster sauce)

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糖1茶匙 (1 tsp sugar)

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4- 水半杯 (1/2 cup of water)

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5- 生粉2茶匙+1湯匙水 (2 tsp corn starch + 1 tbsp of water)

tonytsang and kareny recipy
快火落油(1茶匙)起鑊, 炒香蝦米, 再倒入碎肉, 用基本野攪勻至起膠, 備用, 苦瓜切環(圖1)去芯, 用鹽醃5分鐘, 飛一飛水(約3分鐘), 隔好水備用
tonytsang and kareny recipy
碎肉填滿苦瓜, 平均灑上粟粉(圖2), 快火落油(1湯匙)起鑊, 轉中火煎至苦瓜兩面金黃(圖3)盛起備用
tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- 快火落油(1湯匙)起鑊, 爆香蒜茸, 辣椒和蒜茸豆豉醬,
加入汁料煮滾, 轉中火將苦瓜每面炆6 分鐘(圖4), 生粉水埋獻上碟即成
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Heat the pan with oil (1 tsp) over high heat.  Fry the shrimps until fragrant.  Remove it from the pan and mix into the minced pork along with the basic seasoning.  Stir mixture clockwise until it forms a paste.  Cut the bitter into big rings (fig.1).  Remove the core.  Marinade the bitter melon with some salt for 5 minutes and cook it under boiled water for 3 minutes.  Drain well and put is aside. 
tonytsang and kareny recipy

2- Fill up each bitter melon with the mixture.  Coat evenly with corn starch (fig.2).  Heat the pan with oil (1 tbsp) over high heat.  Reduce the heat to medium and fry the bitter melon until both sides turn brown (fig.3).  Dish it up. 
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3- Heat the pan with oil (1 tbsp) over high heat.  Stir-fry the garlic, pepper and the black bean sauce until fragrant.  Stir in the sauce mix and heat through.  Reduce the heat to medium.  Simmer each side of bitter melon for 6 minutes (fig.4).  Stir in the corn starch mixture and mix well.  Dish it up and serve it
in hot.
tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 填苦瓜時, 要填滿一點, 因為肉煮熟會收縮
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2- 肉餅一定加適量的水去攪, 肉才不會太實, 會鬆軟
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1- Fill up the bitter melon as much as possible.  Meat will be shrinking after cook.
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- Add some water when stir the pork.  It will make the pork texture puffier after cook.

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