

食譜: 辣辣榨菜炒滑蛋 (Fry egg with preserved vegetable)

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奧運真係令我瞓少好多, 明明話左唔睇啦, 諗著早啲瞓啦, 點知一見男子體操, 又忍唔著, 睇到12點半先瞓, 好唔掂呀,
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好似今晚又有女子體操決賽喎, 點算呀

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今日出哩個餸真係超易呀, 20分鐘一定搞掂呀, 好味道又唔難做呀

榨菜, 都只係買一包包切好晒嘅, 唔需要點預備啦, 但你怕辣, 怕鹹的話,

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不況洗吓佢先用, 然後落鑊炒香就已經可以好好味呀

由於榨菜夠鹹啦, 所以蛋可以唔落鹽, 或落好少就夠晒啦,

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蛋一定要快手兜好, 唔好煮太熟, 乾晒嘅蛋超難食呀

至於七味粉, 你怕辣可以唔落, 又或者落少少辣椒代替都得, 我自己仲加左少少黑芝麻, 其實唔加亦得,

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點呀, 20分鐘就搞掂, 材料又簡單, 放工先煮都仲有大把時間淨啦

正所謂: 辣辣榨菜炒滑蛋, 快捷好味又簡單

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 20分鐘左右

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tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 大蛋2隻, 發勻 (2 Large, blended)
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2- 七味粉1茶匙 (1 tsp of Japanese assorted chili pepper)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- 辣榨菜絲1包, 70g (1 bag of shredded preserved vegetable, 70g)
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4- 青蔥切粒, 半杯 (1/2 cup of green onion, finely chopped)
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5- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp minced garlic)
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tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 快火油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 將青蔥, 蒜蓉和榨菜爆香(圖1), 再加蛋漿, 待差不多6-7成熟時(圖2)快手兜勻上碟, 灑上七味粉即成
tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- Heat the pan with some butter over high heat (at least 1 tbsp of oil).  Stir fry green onion, garlic and preserved vegetable until fragrant (fig.1).  Stir in the blended egg.  Once it is around 60-70% cooked (fig.2), stir fry it quickly and dish it up.  Add the chili powder on the top and serve it in hot.
tonytsang and kareny recipy

蛋雖然7成熟, 但其實餘熱會令蛋熟透, 不用擔心
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2- 榨菜怕鹹的話, 可以浸一浸水, 洗乾淨才用
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Do not over cook the egg as the remained heat will continue to cook the egg.
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2- Wash the preserved vegetable if you want it less salty.
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