

食譜: 泰式香芒炒豬柳 (Stir pork with mango)

星期日啦, 周末真係過得太快啦,
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都未回夠氣, 聽日又要返工啦, 昨日係屋企hea足全日, 真係好舒服呀

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由於昨日出面落大雨, 所以我同太太留係屋企睇吓港產片, 其實都唔係好好睇, 港產片真係要比啲心機啦, 再咁落去好唔掂呀 (雖然都唔掂左好耐吓)


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目的當然係消滅就快熟到爛嘅芒果啦, 哈哈, 生果, 我地好懶, 成日買左又唔食, 哈哈

雖然係咁, 但用芒果做主打嘅汁,

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酸酸甜甜真係好惹味呀, 生果記得唔好咁早落呀, 因為要保持個口感呀

個汁呢, 其實可以一早攪好晒, 試好味先落鑊, 如果你唔喜歡太酸, 可以唔落醋, 改落多少少糖, 最緊要自己執生啦

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用生果煮餸我真係煮左唔少, 哈哈, 又士多啤梨, 又蘋果, 又荔枝, 又菠蘿, 又橙, 真係乜都比我玩過啦, 哈哈, 遲啲我仲用奇異果煮豬扒, 哈哈

哩個餸實難你唔到啦, 大家記得要試吓呀, 包你食2碗飯呀

正所謂: 泰式香芒炒豬柳, 包你食到唔停口

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

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1- 無骨豬扒6塊, (6 boneless pork chops)
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2- 芒果2個, 去皮, 切粒  (2 mango, peeled, diced)
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3- 芫茜2湯匙 (2 tbsp coriander )
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4- 小紅辣椒2條, 切粒 (2 small red pepper, chopped)
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5- 紅洋蔥頭1粒, 去皮切碎 (1 shallot, peeled, chopped)
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份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

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1- 芒果汁3湯匙 (Mango Juice 3 tbsp)
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 水2湯匙 (2 tbsp of water)
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3- 白醋1湯匙 (1 tbsp of white vinegar)
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 糖2湯匙 (2 tbsp of sugar)
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 茄汁1/2湯匙 (1/2 tbsp of ketchup)
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 青檸汁1湯匙 (1 tbsp of lime juice)
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7- 魚露1湯匙 (1 tbsp of fish sauce)

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1- 豬扒先切條成豬柳, 用魚露, 老抽(1/2茶匙), 糖, 粟粉, 蒜蓉, 油, 各若匙1-2茶醃15分鐘(圖1), 芒果肉可以打成芒果汁備用(圖2)
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快火落油起鑊, 先爆香辣椒和蔥頭, 再加豬柳煎至兩面金黃(圖3), 轉中火煮至豬柳全熟, 再加入汁料兜勻, 當汁料一滾, 熄火加入芒果和芫茜兜勻(圖4)上碟即成

1- Cut the pork chop into piece.  Marinade it with fish sauce, black soya (1/2 tsp), sugar, corn starch, minced garlic, oil, each 1-2 tsp for 15 minutes (fig.1).  Blend some diced mango into mango juice (fig.2) 
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2- Heat the pan with some oil over high heat.  Stir-fry the shallots and red pepper until fragrant.  Stir-in the pork and fry it until both side turn brown (fig.3).  Reduce the heat to medium.  Continue to cook the pork until fully cooked.  Stir-in the sauce mix and mix it well.  Once the sauce is boiled, Turn off the heat.  Stir-in the mango and coriander and mix it well (fig.4).  Dish it up and serve in hot.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 芒果汁可以用維他芒果汁, 如果新鮮打造的, 一定要先試味, 太酸則要加點糖
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2- 豬柳未煎封前, 不要反太多, 否則會失去大量肉汁, 那就不好味了
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1- You can use the pre-made mango juice from the supermarket.  If you decide to blend the fresh mango to make the mango juice, make sure you adjust the taste accordingly.  Add sugar if it is too sour
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2- Don't flip too many times before the pork turns brown.  Otherwise, it will be dried out easily.
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