

食譜: 香菇紹菜炒雞柳 (Stir-fry chicken with cabbage and mushroom)

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返工仍然係偷懶多, 成朝都係寫blog, 下午係時間做吓野啦, 唔可以咁懶啦, 哈哈

星期日去左行街, 結果我買左幾件恤衫呀, 遲啲要用呀, 所以貴貴地都買左3件啦,

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真係出晒血, 荷包仲乾硬化添呀

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yahoo真係short 左好耐, 我連續10日都修唔到圖呀, 日日得個等字, 又唔知幾時整得好, 哩個餸都差啲出唔到, 因為碟餸嘅圖離奇地唔見左好耐, 係我前日寫草稿時先發現番, 真係比yahoo玩死呀


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但諗諗吓, 咁麻煩, 所以就改左去就咁炒算啦, 唔好講笑, 咁整快好多呀, 又簡單

紹菜有少少寒涼, 所以最好加少少薑去炒: (取錄自今日中藥網)
於 炒 菜 時 加 一 片 薑 , 是 用 於 驅 寒 , 同 時 亦 能 誘 發 蔬 菜 的 甜 味 , 尤 其 是 一 些 屬 寒 涼 的 蔬 菜 , 如 白 菜 及 紹 菜 等 , 必 須 要 加 一 片 薑 來 炒 。

紹菜最後記得要炆一陣, 要等佢啲甜味釋放晒出嚟呀,

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哩個餸咁簡單, 都無咩好講啦, 放工無時間最好煮哩個, 簡簡單單又健康呀

正所謂: 香菇紹菜炒雞柳, 汁甜撈飯確一流

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

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1- 紹菜約半個, 切絲 (1/2 Chinese cabbage, sliced)
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2- 無皮雞扒6件, 切件 (6 boneless chicken fillet, cut into pieces)

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3- 中型洋蔥1個, 切絲 (1 onion, peeled, sliced)
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4- 蒜蓉2茶匙 (2 tsp chopped garlic)

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5- 罐頭筍片半罐磅 (1/2 cane of bamboo shoots)
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6- 冬菇8隻, 浸軟, 去蒂 (8 dried mushroom, soaked, stemmed off)

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7- 薑片3片 (3 slices of ginger)
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份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

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1- 水半杯 (1 tbsp of water)
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 蠔油3湯匙 (3 tbsp oyster sauce)

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糖1茶匙 (1 tsp sugar)

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3- 麻油2茶匙 (2 tsp sesame oil)
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1- 雞件肉用基本野醃20分鐘備用, 冬菇切絲用生抽, 糖, 麻油醃20分鐘
tonytsang and kareny recipy

快火落油起鑊, 先爆香蒜頭, 薑片, 落洋蔥和1茶匙鹽炒至軟身, 再落冬菇炒香, 再加雞肉炒至兩面金黃, 加入筍片和紹菜略炒
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3- 加入水, 蓋頂, 轉慢火紋至紹菜變腍(約7分鐘), 加入其他汁料兜勻上碟享用

1- Marinade the chicken with the basic Seasoning for 20 min (fig1).  Slice and marinade the mushroom with some soya, sugar and sesame oil for 20 minutes
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2- Heat the pan with some oil over high heat.  Stir-fry the garlic and ginger until fragrant.  Stir in the onion and saute it with 1 tsp of salt until soft.  Stir in the mushroom and saute it until fragrant.  Stir-in the chicken and stir-fry it until both sides turn brown.  Stir-in the bamboo and cabbage and mix it well.
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Mix in the water and heat through.  Reduce the heat to low and simmer it until the cabbage is soft (around 7 minutes).  Mix in the sauce mix and mix it well. 
Dish up and serve it hot.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 冬菇浸軟去蒂後, 最好先壓出菇內的水, 會比較乾淨及能去臭味
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2- 紹菜要慢火炆過, 汁料才會甜
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1- To clean the mushroom properly, remember to press the mushroom to remove the water inside of the mushroom.
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2- It will release the sweetness from cabbage if you simmer it for a while.

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