

食譜: 蒜香黃金煎豆腐 (Fry tofu with salted egg)

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講香港天氣超熱呀, 又焗空氣污染又勁, 大家出入都盡量留係室內有冷氣地方啦, 記得咁熱要飲多啲水呀

我哩邊天氣就無咁熱, 昨日仲落雨添呀, 不過溫室效應真係好可怕呢, 前個星期我哩邊有史以嚟第一次出現水龍卷(係水上面幾龍卷風)呀,

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今日哩個餸, 出街食, 實會同你炸到脆卜卜呀, 不過睇開我個blog嘅blog友都知, 炸野唔啱我呀, 我唔喜歡用好多油去炸野,

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我覺得好浪費同埋好大油煙, 哈哈, 所以我哩個係用半煎炸

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半煎炸用油比平時多少少, 最好個鑊唔好咁大, 咁用油仲可以少啲, 油一定要大滾(用木筷子check吓, 好多泡就得啦), 煎時至少材料身位有一半可以浸到油就得啦, 落鑊後, 輕輕推一推, 炸完一面, 先反去另一面再炸

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記得未煎脆一面時, 唔好反佢, 成個過程, 你最多需要返3次就夠啦, 反得多, 豆腐會易爛, 亦唔會煎得金黃靚仔呀, 當然啦, 要小心火力啦, 必要時轉中火防止煎濃呀, 煮飯一定要學識執生, 隨機應變呀

豆腐清清地, 加埋啲鹹蛋, 味道真係一絕呀, 記得試吓啦

正所謂: 黃金豆腐夠香脆, 食過實會鐘意佢

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 板豆腐4舊或實豆腐1盒 (4 hard tofu)
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2- 鹹蛋2隻, 蒸熟 (2 salted cooked eggs)
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3- 牛油2湯匙 (2 tbsp butter)
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4- 蒜茸2湯匙 (2 tbsp minced garlic)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
5- 蔥花1湯匙 (1 tbsp minced green onion)
tonytsang and kareny recipy

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
 1湯匙 (1 tbsp of garlic salt)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 白胡椒粉1/2湯匙 (1/2 tbsp of white pepper )
tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 豆腐倒去水份, 抹乾, 小心用醃料搽勻, 放入雪櫃, 醃15分鐘, 鹹蛋取黃壓爛, 蛋白切幼粒備用
tonytsang and kareny recipy

快火落油(約5湯匙)起鑊, 放入油中, 煎至一面金黃, 才反另一面煎至金黃, 盛起隔油(圖1)
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中火落牛油起鑊, 爆香蒜茸, 轉慢火加入鹹蛋黃炒至溶化起泡(圖2), 熄火, 輕手加入豆腐和蛋白, 兜勻, 上碟灑上蔥花即成 

1- Drain all the water from the tofu and dry it well.  Marinade carefully with the seasoning.  Put into the fridge for 15 minutes.  Remove the yolk from the eggs and mesh it.  Dice the egg white finely
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2- Heat the pan with some oil (around 5 tbsp) over high heat.  Fry it until both sides turn brown (fig.1).  Drain well and put it aside.
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3- Heat the pan with some oil over medium heat.  Saute the minced garlic until fragrant.  Reduce the heat to low.  Stir in the egg yolk until it is dissolved (fig.2).  Turn the heat off.  Stir in the tofu gently and egg white and mix it well with the sauce.  Dish up, add some green onion and serve in hot.

1- 豆腐切好後會再出水, 記得落鑊前一定要抹乾, 亦可以加點粟粉包好才煎
tonytsang and kareny recipy

2- 鹹蛋黃也不宜太高溫處理, 要耐心一點, 慢火炒香
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3- 如不夠鹹, 可以加點鹽, 如汁太杰, 可以再加豆腐前落1-2茶匙水兜勻
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1- After slicing the tofu, it may release some the water.  Make sure you dry it completely before put on the pan.  You can cover the tofu with corn starch before frying it.
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2- Do not cook the egg yolk over high heat.  Cook it over low heat until it is fragrant.
tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- Add some salt if necessary.  Add 1-2 tsp of water before mix in the tofu if the sauce is too thick.

