

食譜: 清蒸海上鮮 (Steam fresh fish)

今日天氣好差呀, 朝早起身出面非常清涼, 一啲都唔似夏天, 唔通, 我瞓到唔知醒,
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大家都知, 有時我星期六日無約人, 好多時都同太太買下餸, 行吓街就過一日, 近哩幾個星期, 我地係星期六都會買條新鮮魚, 清蒸嚟食

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估唔到呢, 通少整急凍魚就多啦, 點會無啦啦去整新鮮魚呢? 因為我買魚時, 比多少少錢, 就有人同我除內臟, 去鱗, 返屋企就咁洗吓就蒸得呀, 非常方便呀

其實新鮮魚肉質真係好好, 遊水嘅話, 肉質好彈牙,

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同冰鮮嘅, 真係好唔同呀, 我暫時已經試過清斑, 海鱸, 黃旗斑啦, 都係覺得遊水嘅清斑最好味, 而我都係獨孤一式, 全部都係清蒸呀, 新鮮嘛, 搞咁多野埋徙晒啲鮮味

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蒸魚時間真係好重要, 多半分鐘都會有好大分別呀, 由於大家火力唔一樣, 我唔可以好準確話比大家知要用幾多時間, 大約係, 1磅就蒸7-8分鐘就夠啦, 如果你火力超猛, 就唔需要太耐, 自己執生呀,

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其實你見魚眼凸, 就已經係個貼士, 話你知熟啦, 你用筷子插入魚內, 抽出時無肉黏著就得啦

正所謂: 簡單清蒸海上鮮, 滋味無窮真係堅

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 20分鐘左右

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 青斑1條, 1磅左右, (1 green grouper, 1 lbs)
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2- 薑50克左右, 去皮, 切絲  (50g of ginger, peeled, and finely sliced)
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3- 青蔥5條, 切絲 (5 green onions, finely sliced)
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份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

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1- 生抽4湯匙 (4 tbsp of soya sauce)
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 糖1湯匙 (1 tbsp of sugar)

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食油4湯匙 (4 tbsp of oil)

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1- 買青斑時, 先叫人清理(去鱗去內臟), 再洗淨抹乾, 兩面用少許鹽搽勻, 放上碟中, 魚底先平均舖上1/3薑和青蔥, 餘下的則舖上魚身上(圖1)
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鑊內注入清水, 待水一滾, 放入蓋上蓋, 隔水蒸8-10分鐘 (圖2), 倒去碟內的水, 然後生抽和糖先攪勻灑上身上, 再燒滾油, 灑上身上即成

1- Ask for cleaning the fish when buying the fish.  Rinse the fish and dry it well.  Coat both side with some salt.  Put the fish on the dish and put 1/3 of ginger and green onion under the fish.  Put the rest of ginger and green onion on the top of the fish (fig.1) 
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2- Heat the pan with water over high heat.  Once the water is boiled, Put the dish over a rack in the pan and close the lid (fig.2).  Steam it for 8-10 minutes.  Empty the water in the dish.  Mix the soya and sugar.  Pour it over to the fish.  Heat the oil and pour it over the fish.  Serve in hot.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 蒸魚時間非常重要, 1磅蒸8分鐘左右, 時間一定要靠經驗, 多半分鐘分別會很大呢
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2- 用薑和蔥墊底, 可以防止魚黏著碟上
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1- To Timing is really important factor.  It is recommended to steam around 8 minutes for 1 lbs.  However, it requires a lot experience to get perfect timing control.  There will be a significant different even just 30 seconds different.
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2- Put some ginger and green onion under the fish can prevent it sticks on the dish.
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