

食譜: 通少茄皇沙律 (Summer tomato salad)

7月23日啦, 今日書展開始啦, 大家會唔會去呢? 我收到yahoo email, 佢地為blog友出左本書呀 <<Sharing Life Y! BLOG 生活誌>>

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我好幸運, 書入面竟然有我份呢, 哈哈, 其實我要大家一直支持就真, 無您每個人嘅回覆, 我邊會落咁多心機去寫呀, 當然仲要多謝我太太啦, 哈哈, 無佢, 哩個blog亦唔會出現, 大家如果買左, 見到我的話, 記得話我知呀

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唔經唔覺, 食譜已經出過200多過啦, 仲有2個多月, 我就能達成目標, 係結婚一年內都唔重覆吃煮過嘅餸, 哈哈

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夏日熱辣辣, 今日出哩個沙律同大家解解暑呀, 唔好以為, 沙律要食生菜就覺得好難吃, 只要你撈得啱材料, 配一個靚嘅沙律汁, 一樣可以好好食呀, 又清涼呀

沙律汁, 好多時都係令人至肥原因, 所以我用意大利香油醋, 唔係話完全唔肥,

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但佢可以話咁多隻沙律汁入面, 其中一隻較健康嘅

齋食菜或者未必夠飽, 所以我太太將係costco買, 超大, 超抵食嘅煙三文魚捲好, 再配法國包吃,
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真係超飽, 超滿足呀

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唔好誤會呀, 我地帶左一半去做lunch呀, 唔好以為我地咁瘋狂食咁多呀, 哈哈

正所謂: 茄皇沙律夠清涼, 健康好味人人搶 

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 20分鐘左右

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 蕃茄3個, 切細粒 (3 tomato, finely diced)
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 罐頭吞拿魚1罐, 隔汁 (1 cane of tuna, drained)
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3- 羅馬生菜1顆 (1 Roman lettuce)
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4- 沙律乾麵包粒5湯匙, 非必要 (5 tbsp croutons, optional)
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5- Mozzarella 芝士碎6湯匙 (6 tbsp of shredded Mozzarella cheese)

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
1- 紫蘇香草4 湯匙 (4 tbsp basil)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 黑椒1湯匙 (1 tbsp black pepper)
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3- 蒜粉2湯匙 (2 tbsp garlic powder)

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4- 檸檬汁1湯匙 (1 tbsp lemon juice)
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5- 意大利香油醋3湯匙 (3 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar)
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6- 鹽2茶匙 (2 tsp of salt)

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生菜, 洗淨, 切成大件, 隔好水, 先放入沙律碗中, 吞拿魚去骨備用
tonytsang and kareny recipy
加所有材料和汁料放入大碗中(圖2), 輕手伴勻, 舖於生菜上, 灑上麵包粒和芝士碎即成
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Rinse the lettuce.  Chop into large pieces.  Drain it well and put it in a large salad bowl.  Remove the bone from the tuna and put it aside.
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Whisk all the ingredients and sauce mix gently in a mixing bowl (fig.2).  Pour it over to the lettuce and add croutons and cheese on the top.  Enjoy it. 
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1- 如果想容易吃, 可以將生菜切成細件
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2- 如沒有意太利香油醋可以用其他沙律汁代替
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1- You can chop the lettuce finely.
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You can use other salad dressing to replace basamic vinegar
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