

食譜: 日式薑汁燒豚肉 (Teriyaki pork with ginger)

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唔好講笑呀, 雖然我放緊假, 但都記得教定時間出食譜, 我都算唔話得啦(其實怕無update,
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唔知大家有無掛著我呢, 我仲放多2日假就會返工啦, 到時再答晒大家嘅留言呀, 哩幾日就忍著先啦, 有時間就去睇吓我舊嘅食譜, 試吓煮呀

哩個餸係Miss Jubie同埋係頭條網搵到呀,

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Miss Jubie整得好鬼靚呀, 見到都流晒口水呀, 我仲唔啦啦臨整嚟食咩

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無咩要注意呀, 真係好簡單, 你煮完可以當餸食又得, 當碟頭飯舖起飯上面又得(好似我咁)

不過做碟頭飯, 汁料煮完, 要視乎你有幾多飯, 先決定落幾多呀, 唔好少少飯但落晒啲汁, 變左粥就唔好啦, 煮多可以唔落, 但落晒就無得救啦,

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味道真係好正, 唔喜歡吃薑嘅我都無complaint, 食清光呀, 大家真係要試試呀

正所謂: 日式薑汁燒豚肉, 香口惹味好滿足

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 35分鐘左右

1- 金菇一包, 洗淨 (1 bag of Enoki mushroom, cleaned)
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2- 中洋蔥1個, 去衣切絲 (1 medium onion, peeled, sliced)
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3- 蒜蓉1/2湯匙 (1/2 tbsp minced garlic)
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4- 枚頭豬肉3/4磅左右, 切絲 (3/4 lbs of tenderloin pork, sliced)
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5- 壽司紫菜1塊, 切絲 (1 Japanese roasted seaweed, shredded)
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份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

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 日本清酒2湯匙 (2 tbsp salted cooking sake)tonytsang and kareny recipy
tonytsang and kareny recipy

 砂糖1湯匙 (1 tbsp sugar)
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 醬油(日本豉油)4 茶匙 (4 tsp japanese soya)
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 味醂1湯匙 (1 tbsp Mirin)
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 薑蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp minced ginger)
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 鮮磨薑汁2茶匙 (1 tsp minced ginger)
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 日本清酒4茶匙 (4 tsp salted cooking sake)
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 醬油(日本豉油)2湯匙 (2 tbsp japanese soya)tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 豬肉用醃料醃15分鐘, 金菇切去尾段備用, 汁料先撈好試味 (圖1)
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2- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香蒜蓉至金黃, 再將豬肉炒熟(圖2), 盛起備用,

3- 快火落油起鑊, 落洋蔥加少去鹽炒至軟身, 加入豬肉略炒(圖3), 加入汁料煮滾炒香, 再加入金菇兜勻(圖4), 上碟灑上紫菜絲即成

1- Marinade the pork with the seasoning for 15 mins.  Cut off the Enoki mushroom root, put it aside.  Mix the sauce mix and adjust the taste (fig.1) 

2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the garlic until fragrant.  Stir-fry the pork until done(fig.1).tonytsang and kareny recipy

3- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the onion with some salt until it is fragrant and soft.  Add back the pork and mix it well (fig.3).  Add the sauce mix and the Enoki mushroom.  Mix them well (fig.4).  Put it on the dish and spray the seaweed.  Serve hot.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 金菇最後先落, 保持口感
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2- 汁料不用全部落晒, 可以隨你自己喜好加減
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1- Cook the Enoki mushroom at the end to keep it crispy texture
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2- You don't have to use up all the sauce.  You can use it as much as you like

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