

食譜: 海鮮壽司 (Seafood sushi)

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放假真係好爽呀, 踩單車, 去睇戲, 雖然唔話上係啲咩特別節目, 但係放假個感覺真係好好呀, 做咩都好似好開心咁

昨日係我哩個省嘅50周年省慶, 咩舖頭都唔開呀, 所以我同太太都留係屋企, 整哩整路, 我就煲湯, 整草餅, 又抹屋吸塵呀,

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真係估唔到我咁有活力呀, 哈哈哈

講返個餸先, 哩個真係夏天熱辣辣嘅時候食最好呀, 又唔洗整咁多野, 又好味, 又易整呀,

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豆腐皮係日本超市應該有得買, 有啲已經係調好味, 又啲係要你自己調味, 記得

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將海鮮料加青瓜撈成沙律料放入豆腐皮, 味道真係一流呀, 酸酸甜甜又爽口,

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顏色又靚, 真係好正

正所謂: 海鮮壽司夠創意, 好味好玩又容易 

如果用晒豆腐皮但沙律料又淨低唔少, 可以學我將青瓜切片, 再舖上去, 咁又做到另一款小吃啦, 你話啦, 係唔係好玩又好味先

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 30分鐘左右

1- 中型急凍帶子6隻, 解凍 (6 thawed, frozen scallops)
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2- 中型熟蝦8隻, 解凍, 切粒 (8 thawed cooked shrimps, diced)
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3- 飛魚子3湯匙 (3 tbsp tobiko caviar)
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4- 青瓜半條, 切粒 (1/2 cucumber, diced)
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5- 日本豆腐皮半包(8個) (8 Japanese tofu skin for sushi)
tonytsang and kareny recipyand kareny recipy

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

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 奇妙醬3湯匙 (3 tbsp Miracle Whip)
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 蒜粉2茶匙 (2 tsp garlic powder)
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 日本胡椒粉或白胡椒1茶匙 (1 tsp white pepper)
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tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 先將帶子飛水煮熟, 切粒, 放於大碗內加入汁料, 蝦, 及青瓜粒撈勻成沙律料tonytsang and kareny recipy

豆腐皮小心打開, 將沙律料填至9分滿, 最後最加上飛魚子, 放於碟上

1- Boil the scallop until done.  Dice it and put it in a bowl.  Mix it with the sauce mix, shrimps and cucumber.tonytsang and kareny recipy  

2- Open the tofu skin carefully.  Fill it up with the salad mix until 90 % full.  Fill up the rest of the space with tobiko.  Put it on the dish enjoy it.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 豆腐皮要小心打開, 以免弄破
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2- 如果想更好味一點, 可以用日本蛋黃醬代替奇妙醬
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3- 飛魚子用少少麻油撈一撈, 可以辟腥味
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1- Be careful to open the tofu skin.  It is easy to break it
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2- You can replace miracle whip with Japanese mayonnaise
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3- You can mix some sesame oil with the tobiko to get rid of fishy smell

