

食譜: 芝麻手撕雞 (shredded chicken)

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就咁睇, 好似樣衰衰咁, 但味道同口感其實都好好

手撕個口感同刀切好唔同, 其實我都唔知點講, 感覺上, 好似覺得好煙韌咁呀, 但又唔係全部係咁,

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有皮地方我會用番刀切, 睇上嚟會靚啲同整齊啲, 雞皮上搽啲麻油會更加香口呀

記得要令雞肉爽口彈牙, 記得要急凍呀

係呀, 昨日我無出食譜呀, 因為香港嘅星期一係我嘅星期日呀, 我有野做, 所以無出到食譜,

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我無偷懶架, 我昨日就整左芒果布甸, 嚟緊哩幾日都會整少少甜品呀, 不和你地要慢慢等吓啦, 我會慢慢出啲食譜

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不過唔會全部自己食晒, 我會分比我鄰居同我分享呀, 哈哈

正所謂: 香口通少手撕雞, 口感勁好無得揮

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 45分鐘左右

1- 雞全脾6隻, 雞鎚同雞脾切開, 洗淨(6 whole chicken legs, cut into pieces )
2- 青蔥4條, 去白, 切段 (4 green onion, tail removed, cut into pieces)
3- 蒜蓉2湯匙 (2 tbsp chopped garlic)tonytsang and kareny recipy
4- 薑片3塊左右, 略拍 (3 slices of ginger)tonytsang and kareny recipy

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

1- 青蔥3條, 去白, 切粒 (3 green onion, tail removed, diced)
2- 食油3湯匙, 燒滾 (3 tbsp boiled cooking oil)tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- 鹽2茶匙 (2 tsp salt)tonytsang and kareny recipy

4- 薑片2粒左右, 磨蓉 (2 pieces of ginger, grinded)tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 雞脾先分開鎚和雞上脾, 用鹽搽勻再沖洗, 然後再用鹽去醃15分鐘, 碟底先鋪上薑片, 再鋪上雞件, 再鋪青蔥(圖1) 

2- 水一滾, 放入鑊中隔水蒸至全熟(約35分鐘左右)(圖2), 待涼, 或放入保鮮袋再放入冰水急凍

3- 先起骨, 有皮地方先斬先件, 雞皮上塗上麻油, 其餘地方則用手撕成雞件上碟, 再鋪剛才切好的連皮雞件於面即成, 汁料混合作醬汁用 

1- Separate the drum stick and upper part.  Clean the chicken legs with some salt.  Marinade it with salt for 15 mins.  Put the ginger on the bottom of the dish, add the chicken legs on the top, and add the green onion on the top of the chicken leg (fig.1)

2- Steam the chicken leg for 30 min or until it is done under high heat (fig.2).  Cool it down or put the chicken legs in a plastic bag and drop into ice water to cool it down completely.

3- Remove the bone.  Cut evenly the meat with the skin.  Shred the rest of the chicken by hand.  Put the shredded chicken on the dish and cover by the chicken that was cut evenly.  Mix the sauce mix and serve as a sauce.  Serve hot.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 雞脾可以用牙簽桔入最厚肉地方至骨, 若拉出時沒有血留出即是熟了

2- 雞脾若見肉收縮見骨就已經是熟了

3- 雞脾若能蒸完後急凍, 會令皮和肉更爽, 更彈牙tonytsang and kareny recipy


