

食譜: 椰汁豆沙燒餅 (Coconut Soft cake with red bean)

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(密碼: tonytsang)

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哩個食譜係藍藍細雨個blog搵到, 真係好好味, 我整左兩次, 一次食左少少就比晒鄰居, 而另一次就招呼朋友, 真係易整呀

最重要我覺得係糯米粉一定要買得靚, 我用過大陸出嘅泰國出嘅, 好明顯泰國個隻煙韌好多

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, 粉糰一定要搓多幾吓先會煙韌呀, 記得啦

如果粉糰搓完都係好黏手, 即係唔夠粉, 咁就要加啲糯米粉再搓吓啦

豆沙蓉可以自己整, 但係要好多時間, 所以唔好搞我呀, 我買日本豆沙蓉(hk jusco 10 店有得買呀),

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大家真係要試吓, 我未試過整餅整得咁易呀

正所謂: 豆沙燒餅勁好味, 整多幾個怕咩肥

tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

1- 糯米粉 200g (Glutinous rice flour 200g)
2- 熱水 50g + 凍水80g (hot water 50g and cold 80g)
3- 砂糖 2湯匙(2 tbsp sugar)tonytsang and kareny recipy
4- 椰汁 50g(50 g of premium Coconut milk)
5- 日本粗粒豆沙蓉180g (180g of Japanese red bean paste)tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 糯米粉放入大碗內, 另一碗內加入熱水50g和砂糖攪勻, 加入凍水和椰汁攪勻, 倒入糯米粉搓成粉糰, 蓋上保鮮紙, 靜置10分鐘(圖1), 分9等份(圖2) 

2- 豆沙同樣分成9份, 粉糰壓扁成大塊, 包入豆沙餡(圖3), 輕搓至無摺痕

3- 中慢火少油起鑊,餅糰放入鑊中, 每面煎至金黃(圖4) (每面要約6分鐘), 盛起即成 

1- Put the flour in a large bowl.  In other bowl, mix the hot water with sugar.  Add the cold water and coconut milk together.  Pour all into the flour and press it until all ingredients are mixed together.  Cover by plastic wrap and wait for 10 mins (fig.1). Cut it into 9 small pieces (fig.2)

2- Heat Red bean cut into 9 pieces.  Press the small dough and enlarge it.  Wrap up the red bean with the dough (fig.3).  Press the dough until the crease is gone. 

3- Heat the pan with oil under low heat.  Fry the dough until each side turn brown (fig.4) (about 6 mins for each side). Serve hot.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 糯米粉糰必需搓揉才有煙韌感

2- 火不能太猛, 否則外熟內不熟

3- 煎完最好用錫紙隔開, 否則好易黏在一起tonytsang and kareny recipy


