

食譜:芒果叮叮糯米糍 (Mango Glutinous balls)

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哩幾日無端端又凍番呀, 每日都係10幾度, 好涼呀, 我太太都病病地(忽冷忽熱唔病就假啦), 又成日落雨, 好悶呀, 我想出街, 但出面又濕又凍呀, 諗諗吓又唔係好想出呀

講番芒果糯米糍先, 哈哈, 我哩個懶人,

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當然唔會去蒸個粉糰啦, 我係用微波爐呀, 講真, 哩個甜品唔係難整, 但有好多細微地方要小心呀, 你見我下面個步驟寫得咁長就知啦,
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你最好用個濕布包著去叮, 就唔怕叮到個粉糰乾晒水呀, 但濕布千萬唔好掂到個粉糰, 否則叮完出嚟, 就會黏著條濕布呀, 會搞到好麻煩呀

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熟嘅粉團要仲係熱熱地, 暖暖地時先好包呀, 太熱, 辣手, 包唔到, 太凍, 包完唔埋口, 所以我會將個生粉糰分開三份, 煮熟一份先, 包嘅時間就唔需要太耐, 咁就唔會咁快凍, 變得容易整好多

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分開三份仲有個好處, 就係比你有三次掌握機會, 第一次包時, 可能包得唔係太好, 去到第二底, 你自然比整第一底更有信心, 同埋知道有咩要改善呀

當然啦, 如果你係整開, 好熟手啦, 咁當然可以一鑊過, 唔需要分開三份啦, 哈哈哈 

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芒果粒記得盡量切得大大粒, 因為包一粒大嘅, 點都易過包幾粒細呀, 芒果中間近核地方記得唔好徙, 用嚟打做芒果汁, 咁整出嚟又唔徙, 又重芒果味呀

記得要帶膠手套或用保鮮紙呀, 粉團好黏呀,

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正所謂: 芒果叮叮糯米糍, 細心處理莫大意

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(密碼: tonytsang)
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烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

1- 糯米粉250g (250g Glutinous rice powder)
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2- 無糖椰絲適量 (Some unsweetened coconut flakes)
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3- 芒果2個, 去皮, 切大粒 (2 mango, peeled, diced )
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份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

1- 芒果粒2/3杯 (2/3 cup of diced mango)tonytsang and kareny recipy

水1/2杯 (1/2 cup of water)
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4湯匙糖 (4 tbsp sugar)
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1- 汁料用果汁機或人手壓成芒果汁, 隔好渣, 取250ml放入裝了糯米粉的大碗內攪勻, 搓成粉糰, 分開3份, 先將1份放在碟上用濕布包好(濕布不可以接觸到粉糰), 放入微波爐叮, 高火叮3分半鐘, 如未熟, 再叮30秒, 取出待涼 
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2- 帶好煮食膠手套, 趁粉糰還暖時, 拿出部份粉糰於掌心, 中間加入一粒芒果 再搓圓球, 放在舖滿椰絲的碟上, 撈滿椰絲, 再放於蛋糕紙上, 當做完一個熟粉糰, 即可叮第二碟生粉糰, 再做, 即至所有粉團用完

1- Blend the sauce mix either by a blender or by hand.  Filter the mango juice and mix 250 ml with the glutinous.  Separate the dough into 3 pieces.  Put one piece on a dish cover by a wet towel (towel should not touch the dough surface).  Heat it under high heat in microwave for 3 and half mins.  If it is not done, add another 30 seconds.  Let dough cool down a bit.
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2- With the cooking plastic gloves, take a piece of cooked dough and put one diced mango in the middle.  Then wrap it up to a ball.  Put it into a dish filled with coconut flake.  Mix well the ball with coconut flake and put it on the muffin paper.  Continue the same steps until finish the cooked dough.  Repeat step 1 again until all the dough is cooked.  Enjoy.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 芒果汁可以用現成的, 例如維x芒果汁
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用一粒大芒果粒, 比用幾粒細芒果粒容易包得好
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芒果要買熟的(全黃, 腍身)才會甜, 否則會好酸
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4- 熟粉團要還暖時才易包, 如果凍了, 就好難包得實
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1- You can use the mango juice available in the supermarket
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2- Wrap a large diced mango is easier than wrap couple small pieces
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Better to use a mango that is fully mature
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It is easier to wrap and control a cooked dough that is still warm

