

食譜: 日清炒蜆 (Fry clam with miso sauce)

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係網上面, 我唔知有無哩個食譜, 因為個汁, 係我自己亂咁試整出嚟, 如果大家有更好嘅食譜, 希望可以話我知

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點解無端端整哩碟o野呢? 話說有次去日本餐廳叫個頭盤, 就嚟左哩啲炸蜆肉, 食落覺得好正, 所以一直都想自己整

但街食, 人地係炸嘅, 所以口感好好多, 我係屋企, 改用煎, 無咁油, 無咁熱氣, 但口感無咁脆口,

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無計啦, 我唔喜歡炸野呀

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個汁, 點整都好似欠缺左啲野, 唔知係咩, 唔係話難食, 但應該可以再好啲, 等我有機會再改良吓先得呀, 哈哈哈

麵豉其實有分白同紅, 紅偏甜, 白偏鹹, 今次我用白麵豉, 所以要加糖, 去平均個鹹味呀

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蜆肉我咁懶更係用急凍, 無殼個隻啦, 你要用新鮮蜆得, 買返嚟, 浸吓水, 等佢吐沙先, 再煲至佢地開晒口, 再拆肉啦, 不過時間就要用多好多啦

哩個餸係小吃嚟呀, 所以唔好諗著食完會好飽呀, 最好加埋昨日出嘅美極鮮帶子, 整個海鮮餐套餐呀,

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咁就應該夠飽啦, 哈哈

正所謂: 日清炒蜆夠惹味, 食過就知無呃你

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 35分鐘左右

1- 急凍蜆肉15粒左右, 解凍 (15 frozen baby clam, thawed)
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2- 蒜粉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic powder)
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3- 味醂2茶匙 (2 tsp Mirin)
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4- 白胡椒1茶匙 (1 tsp white pepper)
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5- 鹽1茶匙 (1 tsp salt)
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6- 麻油1茶匙 (1 tsp sesame oil)
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7- 蛋1隻, 發勻 (1 egg, blended)
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8- 生粉2湯匙 (2 tbsp corn starch)

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

1- 白麵豉2湯匙 (2 tbsp white miso)
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2- 水1湯匙 (1 tbsp water)
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3- 味醂1湯匙 (1 tbsp Mirin)
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4- 日本生抽2茶匙 (2 tsp Japanese Soya sauce)
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5- 糖2茶匙 (2 tsp sugar)
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6- 麻油1茶匙 (1 tsp sesame oil)

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1- 蜆肉用生粉撈勻, 再洗乾淨, 飛水(2分鐘), 抹乾, 撲上生粉, 將材料2-7撈勻成蛋漿
tonytsang and kareny recipy

2- 快火落油起鑊, 蜆肉沾滿蛋漿, 逐隻逐隻落鑊煎至金黃香鎚, 隔油上碟, 汁料混合, 試好味, 淋上蜆肉即成tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- Mix the clam with the corn starch and wash it under the clean water.  Boil it for 2 mins.  Drain it and dry it well.  Mix it with corn starch.  Mix the ingredients 2-7 together.

2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Mix each clam with the egg mix and put into the pan one by one.  Fry it until both sides are brown.  Drain well and put it on the dish.  Mix the sauce mix and adjust the taste accordingly.  Spray it over the clam and serve hot.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 吃時可以再加點檸檬汁
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2- 蛋漿可以改用天掃羅粉代替
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1- You can also add some lemon juice while serving it
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2- You can use temupra powder to replace the blended egg. 


