

食譜:杞子桂圓糕 (Longon and Medlar pudding)

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放假啦, 放假啦, 哈哈哈, 我嚟緊星期一同二都唔洗返工呀, 真係太開心啦, 之後個星期都係咁, 只係返三四五, 正呀

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放假有咩做? 哩個星期會休息吓, 執吓屋, 煮吓甜品, 行吓街休息吓, 下個星期就會去camping啦, 哩個就遲啲先講啦, 哈哈

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放假你地唔會咁狠心, 要我出食譜啦, 哈哈, 所以我set左時間, 係hk時間星期二零晨出一個呀, 我星期四(加拿大星期三)一返工就會如常咁出番食譜呀

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講返哩個杞子桂圓糕, 真係好有益呀, 可以明目安神, 清熱補血呀, 所以哩個甜品我哩個假期都會再整多次

如果大家有桂花, 不況加啲呀, 會香好多呀, 我哩邊無得買, 所以無落呀

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做凍嘅甜品, 記得要整甜啲呀, 我之前講過啦, 所以唔好唔記得呀

我唔自己唔鐘意咁硬身, 所以我無落咁多魚膠粉, 如果要硬啲, 可以落多少少呀, 自己執生啦

正所謂: 多吃杞子桂圓糕, 好味有益身體好

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 45分鐘左右

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

1- 乾圓肉50克, 浸軟 (50g dried longan, soaked)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 杞子20克, 浸軟 (20 g dried Medlar, soaked)
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3- 魚膠粉18克 (18g Gelatin powder)
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4- 冰糖50克 (50g Rock sugar)
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5- 蜜糖5湯匙 (5 Tbsp honey)
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6- 水750 ml  (750 ml water)
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tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 圓肉浸軟切成碎粒, 再和杞子洗淨, 隔好水備用(圖1), 50ml凍水混入魚膠粉再用滾水坐熱, 攪成魚膠漿備用
tonytsang and kareny recipy

2- 水700ml水滾起, 先加冰糖煮至溶化, 加入杞子圓肉轉慢火煮10分鐘, 熄火焗20分鐘, 再加入已溶的魚膠漿和蜜糖, 攪至完全溶化(圖2), 平均倒入器皿, 雪4小時即成 
tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- Dice the Longan into piece.  Wash and drain well with medlar (fig.1).  Use 50ml cold water and mix it with the Gelatin. 

2- Heat Boil the 700ml water.  Dissolve the rock sugar first, then add the longan and medlar and cook it for 10 min under low heat.  Turn off the heat and let it cook for another 20 mins with closed lid. Add the gelatin mix and honey until dissolved (fig.2).  Pour it to the container evenly.  Put into the fridge for 4 hrs.  Enjoy it.
tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 要硬身一點可以加多點魚膠粉
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2- 雪前一定落煮得好甜, 雪完甜味會略減
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3- 最後一定要淨700ml糖水(不計杞子圓肉), 如不夠, 請加點熱水補充
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1- You can add little bit more of gelatin to make it harder
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2- You have to make it sweeter before put into the fridge. 
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3- Make sure it has 700ml liquid before put into the fridge.  If it is not enough, add some hot water to fill it up

