

食譜:通少茄皇湯麵 (Noodle in Tomato soup)

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雪菜蕃茄上海麵雪菜蕃茄叉燒麵, 大家都知我用蕃茄做湯麵有幾瘋狂啦, 哈哈

今次都唔例外, 仲變本加厲, 唔加其他野, 齋用蕃茄做湯底

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你出去街食, 可能人地會加買茄膏令色澤紅啲, 同靚啲, 但我哩個茄皇湯麵, 用百份百天然純蕃茄, 絕對無加人做色素同化學添加濟呀, 絕對健康同天然呀

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咁好味, 全靠靚蕃茄加洋蔥嘅化學作用, 兩樣加埋, 出嚟個味道真係好完美呀, 所以你地一定要試吓, 其他配料一啲都唔重要, 你點樣改都無問題, 但係靚蕃茄同洋蔥一定唔可以少呀

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正所謂: 茄皇湯麵夠天然, 味道出眾更係掂


tonytsang and kareny recipy
份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

1- 炸魚片8塊 (8 slices of fried fish cake)
2- 中型熟紅蕃茄4個 (4 tbsp red medium tomato)
3- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (2 tbsp minced garlic)
4- 靚肉腸4條左右, 切件 (6 sausages, washed, cut into pieces)
5- 麵條3人份量 (Chinese noodle for 3 people)
6- 中型洋蔥1個, 切絲 (1 onion, peeled, sliced)
7- 雞粉1/2
湯匙 (1/2 tbsp of chicken powder)tonytsang and kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 麵條放入滾水煮熟(按照包裝上煮既時間), 過冷河, 備用(圖1)

2- 快火落油起鑊, 用少許鹽爆香洋蔥至軟身, 再加入蕃茄炒香(圖2), 再加肉腸和魚片略炒一陣(圖3)

3- 加水至高於材料1/3 (圖4), 轉中火, 蓋上蓋炆15分鐘, 加入雞粉和鹽調味, 再加入麵條, 轉快火, 湯汁一滾即成

1- Cook the noodle in the hot water according the instruction on the package.  Cool it under the cold water and drain it well (fig1)

2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry onion with some salt until soft.  Add the tomato and stir-fry it until fragrant.(fig2).  Stir-fry the sausage and fish cake for 2 mins (fig3). 

3- Add water until it is 1/3 above the ingredients.  Turn it to Medium heat.  Cook it through with closed lid for 15 mins.  Add the chicken powder and salt to adjust the taste.  Add the noodle and turn the heat to high.  Wait until the soup is boiled. Serve hot.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 蕃茄要用比較紅, 比較腍身的會比適合放湯

2- 蕃茄太酸, 可以加糖, 唔夠酸, 可以加鹽

3- 吃時加辣椒油就最好味

列印此食譜 (密碼: tonytsang)

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