

食譜: 蕃芝三文煎魚扒 (Salmon steak in tomato sauce)

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一來, 無骨, 二來好有益, 三來好易整得好, 四來從來都唔腥

所以我成日都會整呀, 今次用茄汁去整, 再加埋芝士, 味道的確無得頂呀

芝士可以係天然嘅生粉, 你加入去就會整杰啲汁呀, 非常過癮

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不過煎魚唔係容易, 大家要練多啲, 記得唔好成日反佢, 又唔好煎過熟呀, 否則就會好易散晒, 又老又鞋唔好食呀

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仲有, 唔好學我, 最可先將伴菜上碟先, 再加魚件, 再淋汁, 咁賣相就會靚過我好多呀

係呀, 今次加入"

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正所謂: 蕃芝三文煎魚扒, 美味香脆人人讚

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賣相就衰啲, 但真係好好味

tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 45分鐘左右

1- 三文魚扒1塊, 抹乾 切先大件 (1 salmon steak, dried, cut into piece)
2- 中型洋蔥1個, 切粒 (1 onion, peeled, sliced)
蒜蓉2湯匙 (2 tbsp minced garlic)
4- 蕃茄1個切粒 (1 tomato, diced)
5- 急凍粟米半杯 (1/2 cup of thawed frozen corns)
6- 車打芝士2片, 非必要 (2 slices of cheddar cheeses, optional)

tonytsang and kareny recipy

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

1- 茄汁3湯匙 (ketchup 4 tbsp)
2- 糖, 適量 (some sugar)
3- 鹽, 適量 (some salt)
4- 熱水1/3 杯 (1/3 cup of hot water)
5- 香草意粉醬1/2 杯 (1/2 cup pasta sauce )kareny recipy

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 魚件抹乾後用少去白胡椒粉, 海鹽醃10分鐘(圖1), 兩面再薄薄鋪上生粉

2- 快火落油(油要多點)起鑊, 先將魚扒兩面煎成金黃, 再中慢火將魚扒煎至8-9成熟(圖2), 盛起, 用紙抹去油份上碟

3- 快火落油起鑊, 用少許鹽爆香洋蔥至軟身, 再加入蕃茄炒香(圖3), 然後加入汁料煮透,  調好味, 熄火, 加芝士兜勻(圖4), 淋上魚件即成

1- Dried the Salmon well.  Marinade it with some salt and white pepper for 10 mins (fig1).  Mix all the ingredients and put it in the dish (fig1).  Spread the corn starch on each side of the Salmon evently.

2- Heat the pan with oil under high heat.  Fry the salmon until two sides turn brown.  Change to low to medium heat and cook until the salmon is about 90% done.(fig2)  Put it on the dish.  

3- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry onion with some salt until soft.  Add the tomato and stir-fry it until fragrant.(fig3)  Add the sauce mix until the sauce is boiled.  Adjust the taste accordingly.  Turn the heat off.  Add the cheese and mix it well.(fig4)  Pour the sauce over the fish.  Serve hot.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 魚扒一定要乾身, 否則就很難上粉, 煎也很難煎得靚

2- 魚扒不要反太多, 要耐心一點, 煎好一面先好反

3- 糖和鹽要隨自己口味加減, 好酸就減少點, 好甜就加多點

4- 魚扒不宜煎太熟, 因為餘熱會自然地令肉再熟一點但不會令肉身變老

5- 煎封兩面有助保持肉汁, 令魚扒肉質滑滑

6- 蕃茄會出水, 所以水不用落太多

7- 如不落芝士, 請用生粉埋獻

列印此食譜 (密碼: tonytsang)

tonytsang and kareny recipy


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