

食譜: 日式咖哩燴牛丸 (Meatball in Japanese curry sauce)

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上次出完日式咖哩漢堡飯, 由於個漢堡扒唔係我整, 
所以今次決定自己親手做肉丸, 唔再比人話我出貓啦, 哈哈

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肉丸唔係難整, 只係要攪到起膠, 都需要啲時間同技巧, 記得攪時要順方向去攪, 同埋生粉唔好落太多, 因為唔夠可以慢慢添, 但係太多就好難攪得順

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攪時要加約1茶匙水, 你會發覺加左水, 會越攪越順同輕身, 但又唔好一次加太多, 亦唔好越加多呀, 總知你攪時覺得順, 輕, 就唔需要再加

咖哩真係無咩好講, 因為真係好易整得好,

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只要記得要熄火後先好加入去攪, 亦唔好一下加晒, 加兩格攪吓先, 好啦, 唔夠杰啦, 先再加多格, 再睇吓

日式咖哩真係唔多辣, 所以你唔怕買得辣啲呀

正所謂: 日式咖哩燴牛丸 香濃好食容易煮 

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烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

1- 碎瘦牛肉3/4磅 (3/4 lbs of lean minced beef)
2- 紅蘿蔔2條, 去皮, 切粒 (2 carrots, peeled, diced)
3- 中型薯仔4個, 去皮, 切粒 (4 potato, peeled, diced)
4- 中型洋蔥1個, 去皮,切粒 (1 onion, peeled, diced)
5- 大蛋1隻, 發勻 (1 large egg, blended)
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份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

1- 日式咖哩磚4格 (4 pieces of Japanese curry)
2- 牛油2湯匙 (2 tbsp butter)tonytsang and kareny recipy
水適量(請看做法) (some water, see method below)

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1- 碎牛肉用日本豉油, 糖, 生粉, 蛋漿以順時針方向不斷攪至起膠 (圖1), 攪時要逐少加入水, 令肉質變滑, 最後再扼成肉丸

2- 中火無油煎好肉丸(圖2), 隔油備用, 再用中火用牛油起鑊, 炒香洋蔥,薯仔, 紅蘿蔔, 放入煲內

3- 加水到剛蓋過材料(圖3), 先快火煲滾, 再轉中火炆至薯仔變腍(約15分鐘)

4- 熄火, 離開火源, 加入咖哩磚和肉丸(圖4), 慢慢攪溶至杰身, 蓋上蓋焗10分鐘即成

1- Marinade the beef with Japanese soya sauce, sugar and some corn starch.  Blend the beef clockwise with blended egg until sticky.  While stirring, add some water to make the beef smooth.  Press the beef into small meat ball

2- Cook the meat ball in a pan without oil under medium heat until done (fig2).  Drain the oil well and put it aside.  Heat the pan with medium heat with some butter.  Stir-fry the onion, carrots, and potatos until fragrant.  Add all into a pot

3- Add the water to cover the ingredients (fig3).  Heat it up until boiled.  Turn to medium heat and Cook with closed lid until the potato is soft (about 15 mins)

4- Turn off the heat and remove it from the stove.  Add the curry and meatball (fig4) and stir it until the sauce is thickened.  Close the lid and let it rest for 10 min.  Serve hot.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 日式咖哩磚不能受熱時加入, 一定要熄火後先可以加入

2- 我建議混合兩隻不同牌子的咖哩磚, 會好味啲

3- 用不完的咖哩磚要儲存於雪櫃內

4- 不要一次下晒所以咖哩磚, 先落一半, 攪勻, 看看是否已變杰(不用太杰, 因為你再等一陣, 杰度會自然贈加), 唔夠先再加

5- 牛肉一定要順時針去攪, 生粉不要下太多, 否則就攪唔郁啦, 不時加1茶匙水去攪, 但不能下太多, 如果攪它時覺得很順, 很輕就可以了

列印此食譜 (密碼: tonytsang)

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