

食譜: 通少醉雞 (Marinaded Chicken with wine)

醉雞正常嚟講係用花雕酒, 但我又無買開
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, 所以改用紹興酒啦, 味道係得唔得? 一般啦,
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其實我唔係咁好酒味, 所以都唔知好唔好, 不如你地試完話我知啦

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其實整法一啲都唔難, 不過唔可以整完立即食, 因為要雪過兩日到, 先會入味, 所以大家可以係星期六整, 星期一先食

啲雞汁用完可以再用呀, 不過就唔好用咁多次, 我個人覺得用兩次就唔好再用啦, 費時因少失大, 要係toilet 長住就唔好啦

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雪藏雞如果有雪味, 可以用少少食鹽搽勻雞脾, 再洗一洗就會無味, 如果無雞味, 就不況用少少雞粉, 蒸完記得急凍, 可以令雞肉更爽, 更彈牙呀

唔洗再出街食醉雞啦, 屋企成好過啦, 食醉左可以立即有地方瞓覺呀

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正所謂: 通少醉雞夠簡單, 香濃好味無得彈

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烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

1- 雞脾6隻, 洗淨 (6 whole chicken legs)
2- 薑片3塊, 切粒 (3 slices of ginger, diced)
青蔥3條, 青白段切開 (3 green onion, cut into pieces)
tonytsang and kareny recipy

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

1- 魚露3-4湯匙, 適量 (3-4 tbsp fish sauce)
2- 糖1湯匙 (1 tbsp of sugar)
3- 紹興酒2/3 杯 (2/3 cup of Shaoxing wine)
4- 水1杯左右 (1 cup of water)tonytsang and kareny recipy

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1- 雞脾分開上脾和雞鎚, 用鹽先醃10分鐘, 再和薑蔥放入碟中, 蒸至全熟(30-40分鐘) (圖1)

2- 雞脾浸入冰水急凍(圖2), 拆肉去骨, 將雞肉放入大碗中 (皮向下, 肉向上)(圖3), 再倒入汁料(圖4)  

3- 蓋好蓋雪2天, 吃時先倒去雞汁, 再倒扣於碟上即成

1- Cut the chicken legs into pieces.  Marinade it with some salt for 10 mins.  Steam it with some gingers and green onions until done. (about 30-40 mins) (fig1)

2- Cool the chicken down in the ice water (fig2).  Then, remove the bone and put the chicken into a bowl (where the skin is facing down)(fig3).  Add the sauce mix to cover all the chicken (fig4). 

3- Put it into the fridge and wait about 2 days.  Remove the sauce mix and put it on the dish.  Serve cold.tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 雞脾好難蒸熟, 最好蒸前在雞肉上戒開幾刀到骨

2- 蒸熟的雞脾有2個特點, 一來雞鎚上的骨會顯露, 二來用竹簽桔入最肥部份至骨, 抽出後, 是不會有血水的

3- 如果有花雕, 請用花雕酒

4- 汁料可以先混合試好味再加入雞件中

5- 雞汁可以留下再用

列印此食譜 (密碼: tonytsang)

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