

WT: 蜜糖燒烤骨 (Barbecue Ribs)

tonytsang and kareny recipy

一個我覺得比較適合周去煮嘅菜色, 雖然唔係話難, 但焗都要時間, 焗嘅時候,亦要拿出來, 掃上醬汁, 所以都幾徙時間, 係返工嘅日子, 我唔會建議大家整

tonytsang and kareny recipy

除非您有高壓煲, 就好似我咁, 將排骨煲左5分鐘, 已經腍晒, 再去焗多30分鐘就吃得, 咁樣真係又快又好味呀


正所謂: 蜜糖烤骨好惹味, 食完包你"lum lum"俐
<<通少食譜夠簡單, 即學即整無話難>>
tonytsang and kareny recipy


tonytsang and kareny recipy
好多人問我, 點樣先唔會焗燶, 秘訣就係要做到類似咁樣:
Oven Fried Chicken

排骨(代替圖入面既雞啦)放係一格格個鐵架上面, 鐵架再放係銀色焗盤上面 (盛著d 汁料, 唔會整污糟個爐), 咁樣, 熱力會仍能傳遞到係肉到, 但唔會有係焗盤上被煎個種效果

鐵架連焗盤放入焗爐, 排骨如果再蓋多張錫紙, 個面就肯定唔會燶

烹調時間: 60分鐘左右

1- 一字排骨1磅左右, 每隔4-5條骨切開 (1 lbs spare ribs, cut after 4-5 bones)

汁料 Sauce:
1- 原味燒烤汁約2杯 (BarBQ sauce, 2 cup)
KRAFT Original BBQ Sauce
 <- 卡夫或其他牌子也可
2- 蜜糖約1杯 (Honey 1 cup)
3- 生粉約1/4杯 (corn starch 1/3 cup)
4- 喼汁1/4杯 (L&P Worcestershire Sauce 1/4 cup)
5- 蒜鹽少許 (some garlic salt)
<<通少食譜夠簡單, 即學即整無話難>>
1- 汁料在大碟上攪勻, 放入排骨平均兩面沾上醬汁, 醃1個小時(或過夜), 或可以用高壓煲將排骨煲5分鐘, 洗淨抹乾後沾上醬汁
2- 焗爐預熱約400f (華氏)約10分鐘, 放入排骨, 約已煲過, 焗20分鐘, 約未煲過, 焗50分鐘
3- 拿出, 反轉, 將底部塗上汁料, 再放入焗爐, 焗至底部汁乾, 微燶, 拿出
4- 反轉, 將排骨面塗上汁料, 再放入焗爐, 焗至底部汁乾, 微燶即成

1- Marinade the pork with the sauce over night.  If you use the pressure cooking to make the ribs softed, marinade it only for 5 mins.
2- Pre-heat the oven with 400 F for about 10 min.  Put the ribs in the oven and cook for 20 mins if it is already cooked or 50 min if it is raw.
3- Take the ribs out of often. Turn it over.  Put the sauce at the back of the ribs.  Put it back to oven and cook until the sauce is dried.
4- Take the ribs out again.  Turn it over.  Put the rest of the sauce on the ribs surface.  Put it back to oven and cook until the sauce is dried.


1- 頭一次焗(步驟2), 記得要用錫紙蓋過排骨面, 因為有蜜糖, 直接受熱會好快燶, 到步驟3及4則不需要
2- 到步驟3及4要小心留神, 因各人焗爐火力不一, 小心烤燶
3- 喼汁是要令汁料更酸, 不好者, 可以用黑醋代替
4- 越要焗得耐, 汁料越要酸一點
5- 排骨醃過夜會入味好多
6- 汁料要預多一點, 要足夠供給步驟3及4
tonytsang and kareny recipy

