

TH: 通陰功湯 (Thai sour and spicy soup)

tonytsang and kareny recipy

"沙和嗲卡" , 哩個星期六決定出碗湯啦, 哈哈

無錯, 哩個唔係冬陰功, 係陰功, 我哩個泰國通介紹比大家哩個湯絕對唔正宗, 但就簡單係人都可以煮到, 絕無難度, 材料更加唔難搵

正所謂: 通陰功湯超簡單, 人人可以煮黎嘆

真係好正呀, 呀roy (<<泰文: 好好味呢)

tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 20分鐘左右

1- 白磨菇8粒左右, 洗淨開邊 (8 white mushrooms, cut in half )
2- 香茅1-2棵, 略拍切段 (1-2 lemon grass, cut into pieces)
3- 芫茜1-2棵, 切粒 (1-2 coriander, diced)
4- 熟蝦4-6隻, 洗淨 (4-6 cooked shrimps)
5- 辣椒1-2隻, 切粒(非必要) (1-2 red chili, diced, optional)
6- 紅椒半隻, 切絲(非必要) (1/2 red pepper, sliced, optional)
7- 薑3片 (3 ginger slices)

汁料 Sauce:
1- 檸檬汁半杯 (1/2 cup of lemonade)
2- 白醋半杯 (1/2 cup of white vinegar)
3- 魚露1湯匙 (1 tbsp fish sauce)
4- 辣椒醬適量 (a bit of hot chili sauce)
5- 史雲生雞湯1罐 (1 cane of chicken broth)
6- 水3/4罐 (3/4 cane of water)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 將雞湯, 水煲滾, 加香茅, 芫茜煲10分鐘出味, 隔去湯內香料
2- 加入辣椒, 薑煲2-3分鐘 (怕辣就隔走, 否則繼續煲), 再加入紅椒絲, 白磨菇煲2-3分鐘
3- 汁料1-2攪勻, 逐少加入直自覺得夠酸為止, 一滾起就熄火, 加入熟蝦, 適量魚露, 辣椒醬調味, 加芫茜葉裝飾即成

1- Boil the chicken broth, and water.  Add the lemon grass, coriander and boil for 10 min.  Remove them from the soup
2- Add the red chili, ginger and boil for 2-3 mins.  Remove them from the soup.  Add the red pepper, white mushroom and boil for 2-3 mins again.
3- Mix the sauce 1 and 2 together.  Add it in the soup until it is sour enough.  Turn off the heat and add the shirmps.  Add the fish sauce and chili sauce to taste.
tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 辣椒和薑會越煲越辣, 我會建議一出味就隔走
2- 香茅拍過出味會更好
3- 酸汁要最後先落, 否則煲得越耐, 酸味會流失
4- 無熟蝦, 可用新鮮蝦, 洗淨去殼, 用蒜蓉炒香, 後落湯
5- 白磨菇可以用罐頭草菇代替
tonytsang and kareny recipy

