

CH: 乾炒咖哩豬柳 (Stir fry pork in Curry sauce)

tonytsang and kareny recipy

一講到咖哩, 大家一定諗到好多汁, 好辣, 係唔係呢?

其實咖哩只係香料咁解, 唔一定要多汁, 唔一定好辣呀, 我覺得香味先係最緊要, 所以好多人都會自己調製咖哩汁 (但我哩個懶人暫時唔會)

咖哩乾炒帶少少汁好正呀, 尤其要帶飯, 你諗吓, 如果成個飯盒都係汁, 浸腍晒啲飯, 翻熱時都唔好味啦

豬肉今次我用豬扒切條, 非常有咬口呢, 如果大家唔喜歡用豬扒, 可以改用豬柳

怕辣的話, 可以加少少花奶(淡奶), 可以抵銷辣味

香辣咖哩炒豬柳, 食完飽飽要走走

加埋薯仔又香甜, 又飽肚呀

tonytsang and kareny recipy

烹調時間: 40分鐘左右
1- 豬扒1磅左右, 切條 (1 lbs of Tenderloin pork, sliced)
2- 薯仔4-6個, 去皮, 切件 (4-6 potatos, peeled, diced)
3- 中型洋蔥去皮, 切件 (1 medium onion, peeled, diced)

調味料 Seasonings:
1- 李x牌咖哩醬1湯匙半 (1 and 1/2 tbsp curry paste)
2- 水1半杯左右 (1 and 1/2 cup of water)
tonytsang and kareny recipy

做法 Methods:

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 豬扒切條, 用基本野連同咖哩醬1湯匙醃 15 分鐘
2- 快火落油起鑊, 落豬肉炒至全熟, 盛起備用
3- 快火落油起鑊, 落薯仔炒至金黃, 加水蓋上蓋焗至腍(約10分鐘)
4- 加回豬肉和半湯匙咖哩醬兜勻即可
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Marinade the pork with usual spices with 1 tbsp curry paste for 15 mins.
2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Add and stir-fry the pork until done. Put it aside
3- Add and stir-fry the potato until brown.  Add water and close the lid to cook it until it is soft.  (about 10 min long).
4- Add back the pork and 1/2 tbsp curry paste.  Mix well with the ingredients.
tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 薯仔先炒過, 那焗時就不會溶掉
2- 薯仔越切得細粒, 焗嘅時間就越短
3- 步驟3時, 要小心乾水, 必要時要加入熱水補充
4- 步驟4時, 加入調味料前, 要肯定鑊內有約1/4杯的水份, 否則就要加點水和調味料兜勻
5- 如果汁料太杰, 很黏時, 要加點水把它攪稀
tonytsang and kareny recipy


救命呀, 好多雪呀, 大風雪過後, 真係多雪多到剷極都有, 剷極都唔完, 我用剷雪機都要剷成個鐘呀, 而家屋前有座雪山, 有無人係想接收呀?

