

CH: 通少盆菜 (Mixing Hot Pot)

繼續恭喜大家新年快樂呀, 今日年初三, 赤口喎, 大家係唔係按照傳統, 留係屋企唔去拜年呀?

但係今日係星期六喎, 無理由大家唔出下街呀, 唔拜年o者, 無話唔出得街呀嘛,
我記得新年既電視節目真係好悶呀, 連連都搵胡楓做財神, 然後花旦呀, 小生呀, 係咁恭喜你囉, 比我真係出去行下街好過呀

今日我決定出哩個通少盆菜呀, 當然啦, 比起出面賣既盆菜, 我哩個就無咁多料啦, 但都好好味架, 個盆菜最正係d 蘿蔔, 蓮藕, 豬皮索晒d 汁, 真係超好味呀

blog友紅紅話, 真正其實係得四樣材料: 蘿蔔, 豆腐卜, 魷魚, 豬肉呀, 佢唔講, 我真係唔知呀, 原來出面賣既, 唔係真正既盆菜呀

我哩個盆菜無落豬皮, 改用芋絲呀 (需然我買唔到, 但你買到一定要落呀), 蘿蔔要用白蘿蔔(我都買唔到呀, 比人買晒去做蘿蔔糕呀

), 其他料就好易買啦, 基本上, 哩個菜外賣多過自己煮, 真係易過借火呀

正所謂: 新年在家食盆菜, 今年發達又發財

無呃你呀, 真係好好味呀, 冬天吃真係一流呀

材料 Ingredients:
1- 白蘿蔔一條, 去皮, 切片 (非必要) (white turnip, peeled, sliced, optional)
2- 蓮藕, 去皮, 切片 (非必要) (lotus roots, peeled, sliced, optional)
3- 芋絲一包, 約12多粒, 去水 (don't know how to translate, rice noodle type)
4- 燒鵝脾2隻, 切件 (2 Grilled duck legs, cut into pieces)
5- 燒肉 半磅, 切件 (1/2 lbs Grilled pork, cut into pieces)
6- 白切雞, 半磅, 切件 (或改叉燒) (1/2 lbs steamed chicken, cut into pieces
7- 蝦, 去腸, 去殼留尾 (或不去殼也可) (shrimps, cleaned, take the shell off)
8- 大急凍帶子6粒, 洗淨 (frozen large scallops, cleaned)
9- 乾瑤柱 2粒, 浸軟, 捽碎 (dried scallops, soaked, shredded)
10- 冬菇8隻, 浸軟, 去蒂, 切開 (dried mushroom, soaked, cut into half)
11- 蒜蓉2湯匙 (2 tbsp chopped garlic)
12- 芫茜1條, 洗淨, 切粒 (1 Coriander, chopped)
13- 生菜 (非必要)半個, 洗淨, 撕成塊 (half lettuce, cleaned, optional)
(此為 13 吉祥 材料)

湯底 Soup base:
1- 史雲生雞湯1罐 (1 cane non concentrated chicken broth)
2- 水1/3罐 (1/3 cane of water)
3- 蠔油2湯匙 (2 tbsp Oyster Sauce)
4- 生抽少許 (a bit of black Soya sauce)
5- 老抽少許 (a bit of Soya sauce)
6- 鹽少許 (a bit of salt)
7- 生粉2湯匙 (2 tbsp corn starch)

做法 Methods:
1- 先將海鮮料7,8抹乾,  用少許麻油, 胡椒粉, 鹽醃15分鐘
2- 大煲, 加入湯料煲滾, 先放料1,2,10,9 用中火炆40分鐘 (小心乾水)
3- 快火落油起鑊, 先爆香蒜蓉, 在炒香所有海鮮料, 盛起備用
4- 當蔬菜料淋了, 先加入調味料調好味, 順序在煲內舖上芋絲, 再舖生菜, 再舖燒鵝脾, 燒肉,  白切雞, 最後再舖上海鮮料於中間, 灑上芫茜碎, 轉慢火蓋上蓋焗15分鐘即成

1- Dry well the seafood (7,8), marinade it with some sesame oil, white pepper and salt for 15 min
2- Add the soup base into the pot and boil it up.  Once it is boiled, turn to medium heat and add ingredient 1, 2,10,9 boil it for 40 min. 
3- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Fry the garlic until brown, add the seafood and cook it until done.  Put it aside.
4- Add the seasoning into the pot once the vegetables are soften.  Layer it up with the following order, the "rice noodle", lettuce, all the grilled meats, and the seafood at the end.  Add some coriander and cook it through for 15 min in low heat.


1- 小心乾水, 如果唔夠水, 可以加熱水保充
2- 材料可以隨自己喜歡而改變, 無所謂的

