

JP: 日式可樂餅 (コロッケ(korokke))

星期一啦, 大家新年周末過得開唔開心呢,

通少食譜當然唔會偷懶, 就算明知大家放假未必黎睇, 我都會照出, 因為我希望大家係新年期間諗唔到食咩既時候, 係哩到會囉到靈感

講番日式可樂餅, 哩個菜色真係好好味又好易整

一個個圓碌碌, 金黃鬆脆, 賣相已經好正, 食落仲正呀, 外脆內軟, 薯仔又滑, 我太太不知食得幾開心呀

放心啦, 唔會好難整, 新年放假咁多時間, 有機會真係試下啦

正所謂: 鬆脆日式可樂餅, 香滑好味又夠靚

我仲用蕃茄同蜀米粒伴碟呀, 正~

材料 Ingredients:
1- 薯仔8-10個, 去皮 (8-10 potato, peeled)
2- 中型洋蔥2個, 切細粒 (2 Medium onion, peeled, diced)
3- 紅蘿蔔1條, 去皮切細粒(非必要) (1 red carrot, peeled, diced, optional)

1- 鹽 2 茶匙 (Salt 2 tsp)
2- 雞粉 1 茶匙 (非必要) (chicken powder 1 tsp, optional)
3- 胡椒粉 1 茶匙 (white pepper 1 tsp)
炸皮 Frying mix:
1- 中蛋2隻 (2 Medium egg, blended)
2- 生粉適量 (corn starch)
3- 日式麵包糠適量 (japanese bread crumbs)

醬汁 Sauce:
1- 茄汁4湯匙 (Ketchup 4 tbsp)
2- o急汁3湯匙 (L&P Worcestershire Sauce 3 tbsp)

做法 Methods:
1- 薯仔用滾水煲至"淋" (30分鐘左右), 壓成薯蓉
2- 趁熱加入調味料攪勻, 待涼
3- 快火落油起鑊, 炒香紅蘿蔔, 洋蔥粒至軟身, 加入薯蓉攪勻
4- 用手將薯蓉扼成想要的大細, 形狀, 沾上生粉, 然後蛋漿, 最後才沾上麵包糠, 放入雪櫃冰格雪15分鐘
5- 用煲, 快火燒熱油, 放入薯餅炸至微黃, 盛起隔油5分鐘
6- 油再加熱, 再炸薯餅一次至金黃即可排碟, 吃時伴醬汁食即

1- Boil the potato until it is soft (30 mins).  Mash it.
2- Mix the seasoning with the mashed potato.  Let it cool
3- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir fry the red carrots, onion until soft.  Mix the ingredient into the potato.
4- Press the potato with the hand to the sharp and size as you like.  Put the pressed potato into the corn starch, egg, bread crumbs.  Put into the freezer for 15 min.
5- Heat the oil in high heat.  Fry the potato until it is light brown.  Drain the oil for 5 min
6- Reheat the oil in high heat.  Fry the potato until it turn golden brown.  Drain the oil and serve it with the sauce.


1- 三種粉必須分開沾上, 不要混合使用
2- 炸兩次是重要的, 第二次是逼油出來
3- 排碟前可以用廚房紙壓一壓薯餅, 吃時就不會油膩
5- 木筷子可以探油溫, 將木筷子插入熱油, 如果有好多小泡泡係筷子上滾動就是夠熱, 滾了

