

食譜: 蒜芯炒魷魚 (Stir fried squids with garlic shoots)

蒜芯我好喜歡吃, 因為好爽呀, 當然有d老既, 會有渣

諗諗下, 咁咪同人一樣? 有d 人好爽, 識著佢真係三生有幸

但有d呢, 咪係人.....(你知我想講咩啦
), 真係識左都喊三聲呀
所以蒜芯又好, 人又好, 都要小心挑選呀

魷魚呢? 魷魚不戒痕去煮時便會曲埋一舊, 那不是和我們人生一樣嗎? 每人生命留下大大少少的痕跡, 磨練, 這樣人生才會豐盛, 才會堅壯, 將魷魚一樣, 戒左痕的話, 煮極都係咁樣好硬淨囉

我都知, 我廢話真係好多呀

正所謂: 整碟蒜芯炒魷魚, 所用材料要挑選

爽口, 香口, 真係無得頂呀

魷魚筒係咁樣切開一半, 同埋要咁樣切紋先唔會曲

材料 Ingredients:
1- 魷魚筒 1 隻 (1 small squids )
2- 蒜芯 1紮約 250g (garlic shoots 250g)
3- 蒜蓉 1 湯匙 (shredded garlic 1tbsp)

做法 Method:
1- 魷魚筒如上圖, 一開2, 取軟骨, 洗淨, 戒紋,  切片, 再用少去蒜鹽, 麻油, 胡椒粉醃15分鐘
2- 蒜心洗淨切段 (10cm左右)
3- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香蒜蓉, 快火炒魷魚片至魷魚變硬 (5-8分鐘左右), 盛起備用
4- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香蒜芯, 略炒2-3分鐘後加1茶匙鹽, 略炒兜勻, 加水蓋過1/2材料, 焗2-3分鐘
5- 加入魷魚, 加1茶匙生抽略炒, 埋獻即成

1- Slide the squid into 2 piece like the photo above, remove the soft bone, and clean it with water.  Make the cross on the squid and cut it into a small pieces.  Marinade a bit of of garlic salts, seasame oil and white pepper for 15 mins
2- Clean the Garlic shoots and cut it into small pieces (around 10 cm)
3- Heat the pan with oil, stir fried the shredded garlic and the squid until it turns hard (around 5-8 mins).  Put it aside.
4- Heat the pan with oil, stir fried the garlic shoots around 2-3mins, add 1 tsp of salt and add water until it cover 1/2 of the ingredients.  Covered and heat around 2-3 mins
5- Add the squid back, add 1 tsp of soya and mix well with garlic shoots.

貼士 Tips: 

1- 魷魚過熟會太硬, 要注意時間
(Squid will turn very hard if it is overcooked.)


