

食譜: 酸甜菠蘿海鮮炒飯 (Pineapple seafruit fried rice 2nd version)

我太太食過上次個菠蘿海鮮炒飯之後, 有日經過超市見到菠蘿特價, 佢居然話要encore, 要食多次喎

佢要求到當然要滿足佢啦, 但係我唔想咁快又重覆我煮過既野喎 (我目標係希望寫出250個食譜先重覆, 咁樣一年裡面食過既就唔會係同一年入面, 重覆又食過)

諗下諗下, 上次用黃薑粉加咖哩, 今次不如整泰國酸甜味, 勉強都叫口味唔同呀

而且我真係想話比大家知, 哩個炒飯一d 都唔難, 唔好以為好多步驟就等同好複雜呀, 今次我會詳細d話比大家知, 菠蘿係好易開

正所謂: 菠蘿海鮮加炒飯, 開個菠蘿無話難

睇下, 同一個菜唔一定要用同一種汁嘛

材料 Ingredients: (2個人份量, for 2 people)
1- 新鮮小型菠蘿1個 (1 small fresh pineapple)
2- 煮好既白飯1嘜 (white rice 1 cup cooked)
3- 急凍熟蝦12隻 (Frozen shirmps 12)
4- 金不換葉5-6塊 (Thai basil leaves 5-6 pieces)
6- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (chopped garlic 1 tbsp)
7- 大青椒1個 (Large green pepper, shredded)
8- 蛋2隻, 發成蛋漿 (4 eggs, blended)
9- 中洋蔥1個切粒 (Medium onions, shredded)
10- 急凍大帶子4隻 (large forzen scalops)

調味粉 Seasoning:
1- 辣椒醬 1 湯匙 (red chili sauce 1 tbsp)
2- 2 湯匙水 (2 tbsp water)
3- 茄汁2湯匙 (curry paste 2 tbsp)
4- 湯 1湯匙   (sugar 1 tbsp)
5- 白醋 2 茶匙 (white vinegar 2 tsp)

做法 Methods:
1- 先將菠蘿橫切開1/4

2- 我用刀, 插到最深, 但不要吉穿菠蘿, 再沿邊一路戒開

3- 然後用鐵湯匙一匙畢出菠蘿肉

菠蘿殼完成, 10分鐘都唔洗呀, 頭同尾三角形係因為那個地方係根, 不用浪費時間將佢取出
4- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香蒜蓉, 加洋蔥粒至軟身, 再加入蝦, 帶子, 2湯匙調好的泰國酸甜醬炒至全熟, 再加青椒略炒, 熄火, 加入菠蘿肉, 加少去鹽略炒調味, 放入隔水用的籬, 隔開所有水及油份
5- 快火落油起鑊, 落飯, 加1/3蛋漿, 快手兜勻, 加少許鹽調味, 再加1/3蛋漿, 快手兜勻, 加適量魚露調味, 再加1/3蛋漿, 快手兜勻, 最後加入調好的泰國酸甜醬快速兜勻
6- 加回所有材料, 略炒, 最後才加上金不換兜勻, 即成

1- Cut 1/4 off the pineapple like the picture above
2- Dice the pineapple by using the soup spoon.  Be aware not to break the pineapple skin like the pictures above
3- Add oil to the pan with high heat.  Add the garlic, stir-Fry the onion until it turns soft.  Add the mixed seasoning and stir-fry the seafruit until done, add the green pepper and stir fry it.  Turn off the heat, add the pineapple and stir fry it a bit.
4- Add oil to the pan with high heat.  Put 1/3 of blended egg and rice.  Stir-fry it quickly.  Add a bit of salt.  Add another 1/3 of blended egg and fish sauce, mix it well with the rice.  Add the last 1/3 of blended egg and mixed seasoning.  Mix it well
5- Add back the seafruit. Stir-fry it with the rice.  Add the basil leaves at the end and mix it well. 


1- 菠蘿浸鹽水會更甜
2- 菠蘿頭尾位置肉質比較硬, 可以不要
3- 最後可以洒上肉鬆, 會更加惹味
4- 將汁隔開, 炒飯時就唔會一pet pet

如有需要, 可以閱讀我先前個食譜: 菠蘿海鮮炒飯 (Pineapple seafruit fried rice)

