

食譜: 沙嗲豬肉炒芥蘭 (Fried Pork and Gai Lan with Satay sauce)

我屋企人好喜歡吃沙嗲醬, 我二哥每次在香港回來, 都要煮這個沙嗲豬肉炒芥蘭

講真, 真係好香口惹味, 而且一點難度都無呀, 只要你有好既沙嗲醬而芥蘭又靚就perfect啦

正所謂: 沙嗲豬肉炒芥蘭 香口惹味值得讚


材料Ingredients: 4人份量 (for 4 people)
1- 枚頭豬肉 1 磅左右 (Pork 1lbs, shredded)
2- 芥蘭1札(1斤左右) (Gai Lan 1 bag, around 605g)
3- 蒜蓉 1 湯匙 (Chopped Garlic 1 tbsp)

汁料 Sauce:
1- 李x牌沙嗲醬 6 湯匙 (Satay Sauce 6 tbsp)
2- 蠔油 1湯匙 (Oyster sauce 1 tbsp)

做法 Methods:
1- 芥蘭摘葉, 花芯可以不要, 葉柄斷開2節, 浸暖水10分鐘, 再洗淨
2- 豬肉切片, 用基本野醃15分鐘
3- 快火落油起鑊, 先用爆香蒜蓉, 再加肉片炒熟, 盛起備用
4- 快火落油起鑊, 落芥蘭略炒至軟身, 加鹽略炒, 加1杯水, 焗2-4分鐘
5- 倒走所有水, 加入肉片和沙嗲醬和蠔油略炒, 兜勻即可

1- Gai Lan cut into pieces.  Wash it in warm water.  Drain it well.
2- Marinade the pork with the usual spcies for 15 mins
3- Heat the pan with high heat, add oil, stir-fry the half tbsp garlic until brown.  Stir-fry the pork until done
4-  Heat the pan with high heat, add oil, stir-fry the half tbsp garlic until brown. stir-fry the Gail Lan until soft.  Add 1 tsp salt and 1 cup of water cook it for 2-4 mins
5- Drain the water from the pan, add the pork and sauce.  Mix them well.


1- 芥蘭略浸暖水可除菜所含的銀
2- 可用其他牌子沙嗲醬, 但味道可以不同, 自行調整份量

