

食譜: 花生冬菇豬手湯 (Pork Hock with mushroom and peanuts soup)

冬天天氣乾燥, 豬手的膠質, 對乾燥既皮膚好有幫助


所以呢, 冬天飲哩個湯就非常之好啦

不過好多人都怕肥, 吃肉唔吃皮, 其實只要吃時, 將皮下脂肪切去, 皮本身其實不是太肥, 不吃皮的話等於不要豬手的膠質

我唔記得張d 紅花生出水, 所以湯色比較紅, 下次我會記得先出水, 咁煲出黎會更加清

正所謂: 花生冬菇煲豬手 滋潤皮膚好幫手

紅左d呀, 不過都好好味既

材料 Ingredients:
1- 無骨豬手一隻, 切厚件 (1 boneless pork hock, cut into thick pieces)
2- 紅衣花生20多粒 (20 red skin peanuts)
3- 冬菇 8 隻, 浸軟 (8 chinese mushrooms)

 做法 Methods:
1- 豬手先出水,約5-8分鐘, 用凍水洗淨

2- 紅衣花生飛一飛水, 約2分鐘, 熄火焗10分鐘, 隔水備用

3- 高壓煲法: 先將豬手放入煲內, 加水多過豬手1倍既水位, 然後煲至噴氣, 計時煲4-6分鐘, 熄火待它自然排壓後, 加入花生, 冬菇中火煲1個小時, 加入少去鹽調味即可, 其間若水份低過原本水位, 則要加水

4- 平時法: 先將豬手放入煲內, 加水多過豬手1倍既水位, 然後煲滾起, 煲20分鐘轉中火, 加入花生, 冬菇中火煲2個小時或至豬手"淋", 加入少去鹽調味即可, 其間若水份低過原本水位, 則要加水

1- Boiled the pork hock about 5-8 min.  Water it properly under the cold water
2- Boiled the peanuts about 2 min.  Turn off the heat and let it cook for 10 mins. Drain it well.
3- With pressure cooker: Put the pork hock into the cooker and add water until cover the pork.  Add the same amount of quantity of water again.  Boiled it until the steam comes out.  keep boiled for 4-6 mins.  Let it cool down itself.  Once it is cool down, put the peanuts, mushroom and boiled it for 1 hours with medium heat.  Add the salt at the end to taste. 
4- With normal pot: Put the pork hock into the cooker and add water until cover the pork.  Add the same amount of quantity of water again.  Boiled it for 20 mins.  Put the peanuts, mushroom and boiled it for 2 hours with medium heat or until the pork turns tender.  Add the salt at the end to taste. 


1- 要湯清, 花生要出水, 豬手要出水及洗好, 煲時要中慢火, 唔好係咁滾
2- 豬手吃時點魚露會更加美味
3- 不同高壓煲有不同壓力, 請自己調整烹調時間及壓力設定
4- 要到最後飲前先好調味

