

食譜: 蒜蓉豆豉炒肉丸 (Meat ball in black bean garlic sauce)

一碟快靚正, 好惹味既菜色

不過豬肉要搞到起膠都幾鬼麻煩呀, 開頭攪時都唔覺得難, 都係攪下攪下, 但之後整整下要猜麵粉咁, 都既累呀

仲有, 我唔記得加雞蛋, 如果加左, 應該會好味d添呀同實d

而大部份既人為左唔想個肉丸散左, 都會先炸起佢, 但我無喎, 我就咁煎, 其實只要唔好郁佢, 都唔會咁易爛既

其實仲有咩快靚正既放法搞到d豬肉起膠呢, 大家有無咩意見呀?

正所謂: 蒜蓉豆豉炒肉丸, 豬肉起膠手仔軟

味道真係唔錯, 下次可以試下黑椒汁

材料 Ingredients:
1- 瘦碎豬肉1磅左右 (Minced pork 1 lbs)
2- 大青椒1個, 去核切片 (large green pepper, cut into small pieces)
3- 大洋蔥1個, 去衣切絲 (large onion, peeled and shredded)
4- 蜀米仔 8 條, 切粒 (非必要) (8 baby corn, cut into small pieces, optional)
5- 磨菇 5粒,  切片(非必要) (5 mushroom,cut into small pieces,optional)
6- 罐頭馬蹄 6粒,  切粒 (6 water chestnut from a cane, cut into small pieces)
7- 蒜蓉 1湯匙 (chopped garlic 1tbsp)
8- 紅蔥頭, 去衣切粒 (shallots, peeled and diced)
9- 中蛋2隻, 發勻 (2 medium eggs, blended)

1- 李x牌蒜蓉豆豉醬 1 湯匙 (black bean and garlic sauce 1 tbsp)
2- 蠔油 2 茶匙 (oyster sauce 2 tsp)
3- 糖 1/2湯匙 (Sugar 1/2 tbsp)
4- 麻油 1 茶匙 (sesame oil 1 tsp)
5- 生粉 2 茶匙 (corn startch 2 tsp)
6- 水 3 湯匙 (water 3 tbsp)

做法 Methods:
1- 瘦碎豬肉用基本野醃10分鐘, 然後開始, 順著一個方向去攪, 攪至豬肉開始黏再一起時, 加入馬蹄, 蛋漿, 然後開始像猜麵團咁, 不斷將豬肉用手壓下, 壓一兩下就加些生粉再壓, 壓至豬肉原全黏在一起, 不再黏手

2- 快火落油起鑊, 先爆香蒜蓉, 紅蔥粒, 用手扼出應該適合大小既豬肉丸, 放入熱油中, 煎好一面金黃, 就推一推, 煎香另一面, 直至四面金黃, 豬肉全熟即可上碟備用

3- 快火落油起鑊, 加洋蔥及少許鹽炒至軟身, 再加青椒, 蜀米仔, 磨菇略炒, 加入汁料, 炒至杰身, 加入炒好既豬肉丸兜勻即可

1- Marinade the pork with the spices as usual.  blend it manually with the same direction until it is sticky.  Mix the chestnut and egg and press it like pressing the bread dough until it it sticky enough.  Add some corn startch if necessary.

2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Fry the garlic and shallot until they turn brown.  Make the pork to be a ball by your hand and put them into the hot oil.  Fry it until the all side turn brown.  Put them aside.

3- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-Fry the onion with some salt.  Add the green pepper, baby corn and mushroom and stir-fry a bit.  Add the sauce until it is boiled and thick.  Add the meatball back and mix it with the sauce.


1- 如果怕肉丸散開, 可以改煎為炸
2- 唔怕辣, 可以加入辣椒絲

