

食譜: 葡汁雞翼 (Chicken wings in coconut flavored curry sauce)

講真,雞翼一向都唔係我"非罰"(favorite), 我喜歡啖啖肉, 有骨無食得咁爽呀, 又麻煩, 又怕哽骨, 又怕有碎骨插口, 所以呢, 我真係好少煮

但我無理由我怕, 就唔煮比太太食嘛, 其實我知太太佢想食有骨雞翼, 所以就煮左葡汁雞翼比佢食啦

唔多煮當然容易犯錯啦, 我無分開雞中翼, 雞尖同雞鎚呀, 咁樣煮當然難煮好多啦, 大家千祈唔好學我呀

正所謂: 椰香葡汁炆雞翼, 清香惹味好好食

雖然唔係差, 但8隻翼我都係只係食左2隻

1- 8隻雞全翼, 分開尖, 中和鎚部份 (8 chicken wings, all parts separated)
2- 中型薯仔5-6個, 去皮, 切件 (5-6 medium potatos, peeled and cut into pieces)

1- 椰汁 1罐 400ml (1 cane of coconut milk, 400ml)
2- 李x牌咖哩醬2湯匙 (2 tbsp curry paste) 
3- 少許鹽, 糖 (a bit of salt and sugar)

做法 Methods:
1- 雞翼用1湯咖哩醬和基本野醃15分鐘
2- 快火落油起鑊, 炒薯仔至金黃, 備用
3- 快火落油起鑊, 炒雞翼至金黃 (7成熟), 加入薯仔舖平, 倒入水至材料3/4身位, 快火滾起後, 改中火炆15-20分鐘(若乾水就加些熱水), 當水位降到1/3左右, 就加入汁料攪勻, 若要汁杰可以加入生粉水即成

1- Marinade the chicken wings with 1 tbsp curry paste and usual spices for 15 mins
2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry the potatos until brown. Put it aside
3- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir-fry chicken wings until brown.  Put back the potato and add water up to 3/4 of the ingredients.  Once it is boiled, change the heat to medium and cook through 15-20 min (with closed lid).  Add the sauce and mix it well.  If water is dropped too much during cooking, add some hot water accordingly.


1- 椰汁其實有分糖水用, 煮食用, 注意罐頭標籤
2- 薯仔炒過, 炆時就不會溶
3- 汁料可以加入少許花奶, 會使汁更滑
4- 椰汁不要煮太耐, 否則會失去椰香

同期上映: 上湯煮菠菜

菠菜唔難煮, 所以唔會出食譜, 不過都想同大家分享下, 因為菠菜好有營養呀


