

食譜: 韓國泡菜炒牛肉 (Beef with Kimichi)

我好喜歡吃韓國泡菜的, 可能因為係酸酸地又辣辣地啦

我知道有一定有blog友識整韓國泡菜既, 係唔係?

但我就好懶, 唔好叫我自己整呀, 邊有咁既時間喎, 出去買就得 (不過都幾貴下).  通常我都去韓國舖買 (我哩邊得1千零1間), 但今次貪方便, 去左鬼佬超市買, 當然個味唔夠好啦

韓國泡菜炒牛肉主要靈魂係"韓國泡菜", 如果無靚d醃得好味既泡菜, 點炒都唔好味, 仲有呀, 泡菜要先炒一炒, 味道會更加香呀

正所謂: 韓國泡菜炒牛肉, 味道香辣夠濃郁

今次影得無咁靚添, 下次要影靚d 先得

材料 Ingredients:
1- 韓國泡菜十多塊, 切片 (10 pieces of Kimchi, cut into small pieces)
2- 牛肉1磅左右, 切片 (1 lbs Beef, sliced) 
3- 大洋蔥1個, 切片 (1 large onion, sliced)
4- 青蔥4條,  切大段(10cm左右) (4 green onions, cut into small pieces)
5- 熟芝麻 1 湯匙 (1 tbsp cooked white sesame)
6- 蒜蓉 1 湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)
7- 紅蔥頭 1粒切片 (1 shallot, sliced)

1- 李x牌韓國燒烤醬 3 湯匙 (3 tbsp Korean bbq sauce)
2- 蠔油 2 茶匙 ( 2 tsp oyster sauce)
3- 麻油 1 茶匙 (1 tsp sesame oil)
4- 水 1 湯匙 (1 tbsp water)

做法 Methods:
1- 牛肉先用李x牌韓國燒烤醬 2 湯匙, 少許辣椒粉, 糖, 生抽, 生粉醃20分鐘
2- 快火落油起鑊, 爆香紅蔥頭, 蒜蓉後, 加入牛肉炒至7成熟(外表沒有紅色, 但仍有血水滲出), 盛起備用
3- 原鑊大火加油, 加洋蔥, 用少許鹽炒至軟身, 加入韓國泡菜炒至乾身, 加入青蔥, 牛肉略炒, 加入汁料蓋想蓋焗2分鐘, 如不夠杰可以加入少許生粉水埋獻, 上碟, 灑上芝麻即成

1- Marinade the beef with 2 tbsp korean bbq sauce, a bit of chili powder, sugar, soya, corn starch for 20 min.
2- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Stir fry the shallots and garlic until brown.  Add the beef and stir fry until 70% done.  Put it aside.
3- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Add onions and a bit of salt.  Stir fry until soft.  Add the kimchi and stir fry it until dry.  Add the green onion, beef and stir fry a bit.  Add the sauce and cover with lid.  Cook for 2 min.  Put it on the dish and add sesame. 


 韓國泡菜炒一炒會更香, 但不宜炒太耐

