

食譜:柱侯牛腩牛筋煲 (Beef Brisket and tendon in Chu Hou Paste)

哩個食譜之前出過啦, 不過當時只得牛腩沒有牛筋, 所以都算係新食譜(都幾勉強), 不過我真係好喜歡吃牛腩架

煲野哩個煲, 已經裂左, 升左天好耐啦

哩個煲係2個星期前煮好, 排到今日先出譜, 哈哈哈, 最慘係, 我仲未搵到新煲呀, 陰公~~~

今次同先前煮法最大分別係我用左高壓煲, 牛筋同牛腩都比我用好小時間炆但都好淋呀

用高壓煲要記著, 水要少(因為好快煲完), 煲完最好隔夜先食 (咁先入味), 番熱唔好超過30分鐘(唔係就會太淋).

正所謂: 柱侯牛腩牛筋煲, 高壓炆法好易做


無高壓煲就請參考我先前個食譜: 柱侯牛腩煲

Ingredients: 4 人分量 for 4 people
1- 牛腩 2 磅切成大塊 (Beef Brisket 2 lbs, cut into cube)
2- 牛筋 1 磅左右切成大塊 (Beef Tendon, cut into cube)
3- 薑片 4 片 (Ginger 4 slices)
4- 生菜半個 (Iceberg, half, cut into big pieces)
5- 八角 3粒 (3 Star Anise)
6- 蔥1條切細粒 (Green onion, chopped)

1- 李x牌柱侯醬4湯匙 (Chu hou paste 4 tbsp)
2- 蠔油 1湯匙 (Oyster sauce 1 tbsp)
3- 生抽 2 茶匙 (Soya sauce 1 tsp)

Method with pressure cooker:
1- 先將牛腩, 牛筋出水, 用凍水洗淨
2- 於高壓煲內, 放入八角, 薑片,牛筋,牛腩加水, 水位到材料3/4身位, 加入3湯匙柱侯醬, 蓋上煲蓋, 調至最大壓力, 煲至噴氣, 再大火煲15分鐘, 熄火待壓力去完全消失 
3- 隔過夜(或唔隔), 先去水面的油份, 然後大火煲滾轉中火, 加入1湯匙柱侯醬, 蠔油, 生抽炆10分鐘, 再加入生菜撈勻, 灑上蔥花即成

1- Boil the beef brisket and tendon for 5 min.  Clean it well under cold water
2- Put star anises, ginger, beef brisket/tendon into the pressure cooker.  Add water until it reaches 3/4 of the ingredient.  Add 3 tbsp of Chu Hou paste, seal well the lid.  Set it to the highest pressure.  Boil until the steam comes out.  keep boil it for 15 mins.  Turn off the heat and let the pressure decrease by itself.
3- Over night, remove the oil on the top of the sauce.  Boil it with high heat, once it is boiled, turn to medium heat.  Add 1 tbsp Chu Hou paste, oyster sauce, and soya and boil it for another 10 min.  Add the Iceberg at the end and mix it. Add the chopped green onion.


1- 牛筋煲大耐會溶, 所以番熱時唔好炆太耐
2- 隔夜先入味, 即日食點都係唔會入味, 而且比較肥
3- 唔好埋獻, 因為牛筋溶化會整自動整杰
4- 高壓煲各人火力, 壓力調節不同, 請自行調整時間及壓力設定

