

食譜: 鮮橙豬扒 (Pork chop with orange sauce)

豬扒真係點食都咁好味, 之前都玩過蒜香, 洋蔥哩好易整既菜色, 今次都唔例外, 做法都係好簡單

其實橙汁個味唔係太顯, 所以唔好學我咁, 落得太多豉油同茄汁, 否則就會失去橙汁味(我都係煮完先知)

正所謂: 新鮮橙汁燴豬扒, 清香美味好送飯


Ingredients: 4 人分量 for 4 people
1- 無骨豬扒 8件, 每件約5cm厚 (8 bonless pork chop, around 5cm thick) 
2- 罐頭柑仔1罐 (非必要) (1 cane of mandarin, optional)
3- 橙皮少許 (非必要) (a bit of peeled orange skin, optional)

1- 樽裝鮮搾橙汁1/2杯 (1/2 cup of orange juice )
2- 白醋 2 茶匙 (2 tsp white vinegar)
3- 茄汁 1 湯匙 (1 tbsp ketchup)
4- 糖 2 茶匙 (1 tsp sugar)
5- 生粉 2 茶匙 (2 tsp corn starch)

1- 將豬扒用刀背井字形咁啄鬆豬扒兩面 (平均每面都要啄2次)
2- 用2湯匙橙汁, 糖, 少去生抽, 老抽, 鹽醃20分鐘
3- 快火落油起鑊, 先將豬扒兩面煎至金黃, 轉中火煎至豬扒全熟, 加入汁料煮至杰 (如果不夠杰可以再添些生粉水), 熄火加入柑仔或新鮮橙肉兜勻, 灑上橙皮即成

1- Lightly beaten evently on each side of the pork chop (at least 2 times per side)
2- Marinade the pork chops with 2 tbsp of orange juice, sugar, soya, black soya, salt for 20 min.
3- Heat the pan with oil in high heat.  Fry the pork chop until each side turn brown.  Turn the heat to medium and cook the pork chops until done.  Add the sauce and mix it well.  Turn off the heat.  Add the mandarin and mix it well.  Add the orange skin on the top of the pork chop for decoration.


1- 橙皮只取橙色部份, 唔好剷得太深
2- 汁料先要攪拌好, 加入後不要煮太耐
3- 如用新鮮橙搾橙汁酸甜味道不一, 所以糖醋份量要自行調整

