

食譜: 腐竹蛋花糖水 (Bean curd and egg dessert)

大家好呀, 情人節啦喎,
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大家有無咩特別節目去慶祝呀? 獨身嘅朋友唔好唔開心, 無情人都可以約朋友嘛, 一齊出去玩都可以好開心呀

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今日我好開心呀, 因為商台903 DJ Maria 搵我做訪問呀, 今次係我咁大個仔第一次比人訪問, 真係又興奮又緊張呀


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特登係晚上打比我同我做訪問, 大家如果有時間, 記得哩個星期日11:00早上, 開收音機聽903, 節目名叫my903, 聽吓我講左啲咩啦, 哈哈哈


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無理由唔出糖水啦, 哩個糖水, 我太太成個冬天叫左我整3-4次啦, 所以我相信味道真係唔錯, 大家要試吓

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腐竹要記得先浸凍水先, 咁煲時會容易溶, 不過唔係隻隻牌子嘅乾腐竹都可以喎, 我哩隻就係一個例子, 煲極都唔溶呀


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就係加少少奶, 我食譜入面無寫, 因為哩個秘密材料唔係人人啱, 但你肯加的話, 成個糖水就會靚好多, 滑好多, 好味好多, 只需加約4湯匙就夠啦


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不況煮哩個糖水嚟甜密一番啦, 真係簡單又好味呀

係呀, 今次唔整列印食譜啦, 因為實在材料又少, 而整法又實在太簡單啦

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Prep 準備: 30 minutes |  Cook烹調: 20 minutes |  For 份量: 2 people 

材料 Ingredients
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1- 腐竹剪碎, 約1杯 (1 cup of shredded bean curd sheet)

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2- 冰糖適量 (some rock sugar)
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3- 大蛋一隻, 發勻 (1 egg, blended)
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4- 水3杯 (3 cup of water)
做法 Steps
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1- 先將腐竹凍水浸30分鐘備用, 同時, 快火煲滾水
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2- 腐竹隔好水, 放入滾水中, 水再滾時轉中火20分鐘, 加入冰糖調好味, 熄火, 一面攪拌一面加入蛋漿成蛋花即成

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1- Soak the bean curd in cold water for 30 minutes.  Meanwhile, boil the water over high heat.

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2- Drain the beancurd and put it into the boiled water.  Once the water is boiled, turn the heat to medium and simmer for 20 minutes.  Add the rock sugar to adjust the taste according to your preference.  Turn off the heat.  Stir in the egg slowly until egg is done.  Serve it in hot.

貼士 Tips
1- 腐竹浸過凍水煲時會容易溶, 用新鮮的, 香味會更佳味
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2- 加蛋時要不斷攪拌, 蛋漿要慢慢下, 蛋花才會整得靚
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3- 按這裡查看 "
有關烹調術語"  的解釋
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1- Bean curd soaked in cold water will dissolve better into the water.  Use fresh bean curd will taste better.
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2- Keep stirring when adding the blended egg.  Stir in the blended egg slowly so that it can form better and smooth.
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3- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this recipe)

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