

食譜:黃金西多士 (French toast in HK style)

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星期五啦, 今日個星期真係好難捱呀, 不過哩個只係開始, 下個星期開始, 我每個星期有2日要去上堂, 仲要上足全日添呀, 唉~~~~

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我係哩到要多謝所以鼓勵我同支持我嘅blog友, 雖然我唔再係精選, 但我仍然會做好我個blog嘅

今日個星期估唔到我竟然可以每日都出到食譜, 哈哈

哩個黃金西多士, 好多人都做過, 同食過,

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不過好多時係出面嘅茶餐廳都炸得唔好, 一係就太油, 一係就太燶

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自己整, 又唔想咁多油, 又想香脆的話, 就不況輕輕焊一焊塊麵包先, 唔需要焊到變晒色, 只需要有少少微黃, 硬身, 中間仲係軟熟就得

咁做的話, 當你沾蛋漿時,

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個麵包就唔會因太濕而變型, 二來麵包焊過唔會再咁索油, 索水, 所以食落唔會咁油膩

出面食一定會成塊炸, 咁又快色又平均, 係屋企我自己就費時用咁多油啦,

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我改用半煎炸出嚟效果一樣咁掂呀, 不過火唔好過猛, 好易會燶呀

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如果大家有時間, 記得要試吓哩個小食呀

tonytsang and kareny recipy
Prep 準備: 10 minutes |  Cook烹調: 10 minutes |  For 份量: 2 people 

材料 Ingredients
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1- 蛋4隻, 發勻 (4 eggs, blended)

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2- 麵包4塊 (4 slices of bread)
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3- 蕃薯粉2湯匙 (2 tbsp of potato starch)
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4- 生粉1湯匙
 ( 1 tbsp corn starch)
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5- 花生醬適量 ( some peanut butter)
做法 Steps

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1- 先將麵包略焊至微微硬身, 但還未轉色, 將包皮切去, 兩面塗上花生醬夾起 (圖1), 將蕃薯粉和生粉加2湯匙水攪勻, 到入蛋漿攪勻備用 (圖2)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 將蛋漿隔篩(圖3), 到於碟內, 再將麵包沾滿蛋漿 (圖4), 中火落牛油(約2湯匙)起鑊, 將麵包煎至兩面金黃即成
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Toast the bread lightly and cut off the bread skins.  Spread the peanut butter evenly on the breads and combine it together (fig.1).  Mix the potato starch and corn starch along with 2 tbsp of water together, Stir into the blended egg (fig.2) and mix it well.

tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- Filter the egg mixture and pour into a dish.  Coat the bread with the egg mixture (fig.4).  Heat the pan with 2 tbsp of butter oven medium heat.  Fry the bread until both side turn.  Serve it in hot.

貼士 Tips
1- 麵包烤一烤幫助定型, 即使沾了蛋漿也不會變型
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 要香脆的話, 可以學我再加點油, 用中火半煎炸
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3- 按這裡查看 "
有關烹調術語"  的解釋
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Toast the bread can help the bread stay in good form even after coating with egg mixture. 
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2- You can add more oil to fry the toast to make it crispy.
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3- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this recipe)

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