

食譜: 菠蘿炒飯(Pineapple fried rice)

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星期五啦, 日子真係過得快呀, 哩個星期六係太太生日, 所以會出去同朋友一齊慶祝佢生日, 所以哩幾日都可以收爐休息, 哈哈

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今日寫哩個食譜真係寫到我手軟呀, 真係步驟真係好多呀, 不過大家唔好誤會呀, 步驟多唔一定係難整, 只係時間要多少少, 大家可以係假日先整


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我覺得今次個味道係最好, 最簡單反而最好味, 只需魚露同鹽就得

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個菠蘿一啲都唔難開, 未見過我點開菠蘿, 可以去哩到"怎樣開菠蘿"睇吓, 10分鐘都唔洗, 就可以開到, 其實我仲有個好啲方法, 不過要刀功好啲先可以做到, 要知的話, 就問我啦, 但你係新手, 就唔好問啦, 用我分享個方法會易好多

記得炒飯要炒得好, 蛋漿要分開落, 咁就可以好容易將飯炒到粒粒都有蛋包煮, 啲材料同炒飯兜勻前, 記得先隔好啲汁同油,

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將個菠蘿焗一焗, 能令菠蘿吸引更多菠蘿嘅香味, 真係好味好多, 我炒飯時加左啲咸瘦肉呀, 不過你唔一定要加呀, 我見有淨, 唔好徙, 加埋落去, 味道都好夾呀, 哈哈

希望大家會試吓啦, 尤其開party,

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(密碼 password: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 55分鐘左右      份量: 4人

材料 Ingredients
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1- 蟹柳4條, 切粒 (4 crab stick, diced)
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2- 中洋蔥1個, 去衣, 切粒 (1 medium onion, diced)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- 青椒1/2個, 切粒 (1/2 green pepper, diced)
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4- 大蝦12隻, 去腸 (12 large shrimps, cleaned)
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5- 白飯2碗 (2 bowl of rice)
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6- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (chopped garlic 1 tbsp)
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7- 新鮮小型菠蘿1個 (1 small fresh pineapple)
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8- 金不換葉5-6塊 (Thai basil leaves 5-6 pieces)
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9- 雞蛋2隻, 發勻 (2 eggs, blended)
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10- 熟腰果1/2杯 (1/2 cup of baked cashew)

調味料 Seasoning
份量只供參考 (just for reference only)

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1- 魚露1湯匙 (1 tbsp of fish sauce)
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2- 鹽1茶匙 (1 tsp of salt)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
3- 胡椒粉1茶匙 (1 tsp pepper)

做法 Steps

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 先將菠蘿橫切開1/4, 取出菠蘿肉切粒 (圖1), 浸入鹽水中備用, 蝦清理後抹乾, 用少許麻油, 鹽, 胡椒粉, 生粉醃20分鐘, 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 把蝦炒熟備用
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 先爆香蒜蓉, 再加洋蔥和1茶匙鹽炒至軟身, 再加入青椒和蟹柳抄至乾身(圖2), 加入蝦兜勻(圖3), 隔油備用

3- 快火落油(約2湯匙)起鑊, 加1/3蛋漿, 加入飯快手兜勻, 加少許鹽調味, 再加1/3蛋漿兜勻, 加適量魚露調味, 再加1/3蛋漿兜勻, 加回所有材料連同金不換葉兜勻, 熄火(圖4), 將炒飯放入菠蘿內, 用300度攝氏焗10分鐘, 灑上腰果即成
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Slice 1/4 of pineapple (fig1).  Carve the pineapple.  Dice the pineapple and soak into salty water.  Marinade the shrimps with some pepper, salt, corn starch, sesame oil for 20 minutes.  Heat the pan with some oil over high heat (at least 1 tbsp of oil).  Stir fry the shrimps until fully cooked.  Put it aside.

2- Heat the pan with some oil over high heat (at least 1 tbsp of oil).  Stir in the onion with 1 tsp of salt until soft.  Stir in the green pepper, crab meat and fry it until dry (fig.2).  Stir in the shrimps and mix it well (fig3).  Drain the ingredients and put it aside. 
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- Heat the pan with some oil over high heat (at least 2 tbsp of oil).  Stir in 1/3 of the egg and mix it with the rice quickly.  Stir in the salt and mix it well.  Stir in another 1/3 of the egg and fish sauce.  Mix it well.  Add the rest of the egg and all the cooked ingredients along with the thai basil.  Mix them well (fig.4) and put it into the pineapple boat.  Bake it under 300 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes.  Add some cashew and serve it in hot.

貼士 Tips
1- 菠蘿浸鹽水會更甜
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 將材料隔油, 炒飯時就能更乾身
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3- 將炒飯焗一陣, 能令炒飯吸收菠蘿汁
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4- 按這裡查看 "有關烹調術語"  的解釋
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5- 按這裡查看 "怎樣開菠蘿"
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Soak the pineapple under salty water can make it tastes sweet
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2- Drain all the cooked ingredient can keep the fried rice dry
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3- Bake the fried rice allow the rice absorb the pineapple juice
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4- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this receipy)
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5- Click here to understand (how to crave the pineapple)

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