

食譜: 薯蓉忌廉雞 (Mesh potato and chicken in creamy sauce)

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上個星期真係好多節目, 我都無咩時間休息呀, 所以今日都唔係好精神呀, 哈哈, 我哩邊有間日本食材貨倉開倉呀, 星期六去左掃貨, 我見好多人都買好多野, 我就無咁瘋狂, 買左少少調味料同埋少少即食麵啦, 哈哈

今日哩個餸, 賣相唔係好特別,

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唔好以為好難整, 其實非常簡單, 不過要好味的話, 當然係步驟多少少, 首先先搞掂個薯蓉, 都無咩難處, 不過要滑的話, 可以用多少少奶同牛油, 已要健康的話, 即可以用水同鹽代替就得

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雞肉記得唔好一開始就煮得太孰, 7成熟就最好啦, 之後焗完出嚟就唔會乾, 會好滑呀

個汁呢, 我整時落得太多水呀,

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所以焗焗吓會爆汁, 同埋好難舖啲薯蓉, 所以我下面寫個份量係改良版, 記得唔好整咁多汁呀, 有多唔要好過, 啲汁最好低過材料1/4個身位就最好

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香濃惹味, 送飯, 送意粉都可以話係一流之選, 大家一定要試吓啦

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(密碼 password: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 55分鐘左右      份量: 4人

材料 Ingredients
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1- 薯仔4個, 去皮切件 (4 potato, peeled, cut into pieces)
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2- 中洋蔥1個, 去衣, 切絲 (1 medium onion, sliced)
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3- 無皮雞柳1磅左右, 切絲 (1 lbs skinless chicken filet, sliced)
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4- 牛油3湯匙 ( 3 tbsp of butter)
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5- 奶1/3杯 (1/3 cup of milk)

調味料 Seasoning
份量只供參考 (just for reference only)

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1- 忌簾磨菇湯1/3罐 (1/3 cane of cream mushroom)
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2- 奶1/4杯 (1/4 cup of milk)
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3- 水1/4杯 (1 cup of water)
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4- 生粉水4湯匙 (4 tbsp of corn starch mixture)
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5- 牛油2湯匙 (2 tbsp of butter) 

做法 Steps

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1- 先將雞肉用鹽, 胡椒粉, 生粉, 油醃20分鐘備用,  薯仔同時煲30分, 隔去水, 加入牛油和奶壓成薯蓉備用(圖1)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 先爆香加洋蔥和1茶匙鹽炒至軟身, 再加入雞肉炒至7成熟(圖2), 加入汁料(除生粉水)煮滾 (圖3), 調好味, 逐少加入生粉水攪勻至杰, 放入焗盤中舖平, 再舖上薯蓉(圖4), 放入已預熱的焗爐, 用華氏250度焗15分鐘或至金黃即可

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Marinade the chicken with some pepper, salt, corn starch and oil for 20 minutes.  Meanwhile, boil the potato for 30 minutes.  Drain it well.  Mix in the butter and milk and mesh it finely (fig.1).

2- Heat the pan with some oil over high heat (at least 1 tbsp of oil).  Stir in the onion with 1 tsp of salt until soft.  Stir in chicken and stir-fry it until 70% cooked (fig.2).  Stir in sauce mix (except the corn starch mixture) and heat through (fig3).  Stir in bit by bit of corn starch mixture until the sauce is thickened.  Pour into a pot and cover it with the mesh potato (fig.4).  Bake it in a pre-heated oven for 15 minutes or until golden with 250 Celsius.  Serve it in hot.

貼士 Tips
1- 薯仔切件會較快煮腍
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2- 汁料不宜高過材料, 否則很難舖上薯蓉
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3- 雞肉不用一開始就炒熟, 否則之後會好乾, 不滑
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4- 按這裡查看 "
有關烹調術語"  的解釋
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Cut the potato into piece can reduce the cooking time to make it soft
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2- The sauce shouldn't be over the ingredients.  Otherwise, it will be hard to cover with the mesh potato
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3- Do not overcook the chicken before baking.
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4- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this recipe)

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