

食譜: 榨菜香菇炒菜絲 (Stir-fry veggie with cashew)

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今日星期五, 哈o魯喂呀, 今晚如果天氣好, 或者出去影吓相先得, 香港嘅朋友, 你地又無咩搞作呀? 
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你o地個個見我出素食(其實都唔素啦, 我只係無落肉咋), 個個都好似好驚奇, 我通少雖然係食肉獸, 但每逢星期三都會煮無肉嘅菜色, 清吓腸胃呀

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由於你地過份驚奇, 我決定出多個素比你o地呀, 等我幫你再清一清啦 哈哈

唔好以為無肉就會好寡呀, 哩個餸真係非常非常豐富, 味道好味, 顏色又靚, 做法當然簡單啦,

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不過, 切絲就要用多少少時間啦, 細心少少將所有菜切得靚靚地先, 紅蘿蔔記得要先出出水, 如果唔係, 就要炒耐少少先會腍, 椰菜你喜歡都可以出水, 因為佢都要時間煮先會腍, 出晒水之後炒就可以好快搞掂

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冬菇記得要搾水洗乾淨, 再用豉油, 糖, 麻油醃吓, 炒香佢, 會好味好多, 炒時記得火要猛, 手要不斷兜啲材料喎, 等啲水氣有空間蒸發, 咁炒出水就唔會水汪汪咁啦,
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豐富好味又有益, 大家記得要試吓啦

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(密碼 password: tonytsang)
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烹調時間: 40分鐘左右      份量: 4人

材料 Ingredients
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1- 青蔥2條, 去白切段 (2 green onion, stem off, cut into section)

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2- 中型洋蔥1個, 去衣切絲 (1 medium onion, sliced)
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3- 芽菜約200g, 去尾, 洗淨 (200g bean sprouts, stem off)
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4- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp minced garlic)
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5- 辣榨菜絲1包, 70g (1 bag of shredded preserved vegetable, 70g)
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6- 紅蘿蔔2條, 去皮, 切絲 (2 red carrots, peeled, shredded)
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7- 熟腰果1/2杯 (1/2 baked cashew)
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8- 辣椒粒3湯匙 (3 tbsp of minced hot pepper)
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9- 椰菜1/4個, 切絲 (1/4 of cabbage, shredded)
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10- 冬菇6隻, 浸軟, 切絲 (6 dried Chinese mushroom, soaked, sliced)

汁料 Sauce mix
份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
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1- 蠔油2湯匙 (2 tbsp of oyster sauce)
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 酒2湯匙 (2 tbsp of cooking wine)
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 麻油1茶匙 (1 tsp of sesame oil)
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4- 鹽1/3茶匙 (1/3 tsp of salt)
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5- 糖1/3茶匙 (1/3 tsp of sugar)

做法 Steps

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1- 先將紅蘿蔔出水約3分鐘, 加入芽菜出水30秒備用(圖1), 快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 爆香冬菇備用
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快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 先爆香蒜蓉,蔥和辣椒, 再加入洋蔥和1/2茶匙鹽炒軟(圖2), 加入紅蘿蔔, 椰菜, 榨菜, 冬菇炒香兜勻(圖3), 先加入酒炒至椰菜軟身, 加入汁料和芽菜略炒(圖3), 汁料煮滾上, 灑上腰果碟即成(圖4)
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1-  Blanch the red carrots for about 3 minutes.  Add in the bean sprout for additional 30 seconds (fig.1).  Drain them well.  Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil and stir fry the mushroom until fragrant.  Put it aside.
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2- Heat the pan with some oil over high heat (at least 1 tbsp of oil).  Stir fry the garlic, red pepper, green onion until fragrant.  Stir fry the onion with 1 tsp of salt until soft (fig.2).  Stir in red carrots, cabbage, preserved vegetable and mushroom.  Mix them well (fig.3).  Stir in cooking wine and stir fry until the cabbage is soft.  Stir in the sauce mix and bean sprouts, and heat through.  Dish it up and add the cashew (fig.4).  Serve it in hot.

 貼士 Tips
冬菇浸軟去蒂後, 最好先壓出菇內的水, 會比較乾淨及能去臭味tonytsang and kareny recipy

2- 榨菜怕鹹的話, 可以浸一浸水, 洗乾淨才用
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按這裡查看 "有關烹調術語"  的解釋
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1- To clean the mushroom properly, remember to press the mushroom to remove the water inside of the mushroom
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2- Wash the preserved vegetable if you want it less salty.

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3- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this receipy)

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