

食譜: 海皇豆腐 (Seafood mix with soft tofu)

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現今電子遊戲真係一日千里, 但我仍然好懷念以前紅白機年代嘅電子遊戲呀, 雖然啲畫面唔及現今啲遊戲咁靚,
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但係總係覺得好想番咁呀, 我哩排上網去youtube, 都睇人地玩惡魔城呀, 柯拿米世界咁,
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哈哈, 真係好低能呀

好啦, 唔講低能野啦, 講好野食先

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海皇豆腐真係好易整, 而且夠晒靚呀, 請人食飯我覺得唔錯呀

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海鮮料唯一小心處理係帶子, 你飛水時記得唔好煮太耐呀, 否則太熟會又縮又硬, 變左唔好食啦, 只要見帶子變白, 硬身就好停啦, 唔好再煮

個汁要做到透明又要有味, 就一定要用雞湯啦, 唔係金寶個啲喎, 因為金寶雞湯個啲濃縮左, 味道過濃, 最建議大家用史雲生,

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味道最適中, 亦唔需要再加水去煮, 方便好多


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獻汁要逐少逐少落, 夠杰就好停啦, 唔一定要落晒, 要適可而止呀, 否則就好難食呀

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大家食海鮮料時不況配辣椒醬, 真係份外惹味呀, 呵呵, 哩個餸又唔難, 又靚仔, 記得要試吓呀

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(密碼 password: tonytsang)
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烹調時間: 35分鐘左右      份量: 4人

材料 Ingredients
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1- 雜豆2/3杯  (2/3 cup of assorted vegetable)

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2- 蔥1條, 去白切粒 (1 green onion, stem off,  minced)
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3- 滑豆腐1盒, 切粒 (1 box of soft tofu, diced)
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4- 蒜蓉2湯匙 (2 tbsp minced garlic)
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5- 中蝦10-12隻, 去殼挑腸 (10-12 medium shrimps, shell removed, cleaned)
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6- 中帶子8隻 (8 medium scallops)
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7- 蟹柳4條, 切粒 (4 crab meat sticks, diced)
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8- 粟米仔8條, 切粒 (8 baby corns, diced)
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汁料 Sauce mix
份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
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1- 史雲生雞湯1罐 (1 cane of chicken broth)
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2- 粟粉4湯匙 (4 tbsp of corn starch)
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3- 鹽1/3茶匙 (1/3 tsp of salt)
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做法 Steps

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先將帶子一開二, 再出水 (圖1), 隔起備用, 豆腐用水煮熟, 或隔水蒸10分鐘, 隔好水, 先放豆腐上碟備用, 蝦用鹽, 胡椒粉, 麻油醃15分鐘, 取4湯匙雞湯和粟粉攪勻成粟粉水
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快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 先爆香蒜蓉, 再放入蝦炒熟 (圖2), 加入粟米仔, 蟹柳和帶子兜勻 (圖3), 再加入雜豆和雞湯煮滾 (圖4), 加入鹽調好味, 再加粟粉水埋獻, 淋上豆腐上, 灑上蔥粒即成
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1-  Cut the scallops vertically in half.  Blanch it until it is fully cooked (fig.1).  Drain it well and put it aside.  Cook the tofu in boiled water or steam it for 10 minutes.  Drain it well and dish it up.  Marinade the shrimps with some salt, pepper and sesame oil for 15 minutes.  Mix 4 tbsp of chicken broth with corn starch to make the corn starch solution.
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2- Heat the pan with some oil over high heat (at least 1 tbsp of oil).  Stir fry the garlic, until fragrant.  Stir in the shrimps and stir-fry it until cooked (fig.2).  Stir in baby corns, crab meats and scallops, and mix it well (fig.3).  Stir in the assorted vegetable and sauce mix and heat through (fig.4).  Stir in salt and taste.  Stir in the corn starch solution to thicken the sauce.  Pour it over to tofu and add some green onion.  Serve it in hot.
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貼士 Tips
帶子飛過水, 會無咁易縮, 但不要煮得過熟, 見白和硬身就可以了
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2- 汁了埋獻前要試好味, 夠鹹可以不加醃, 或加水如果過鹹
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3- 按這裡查看 "有關烹調術語"  的解釋
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1- Blanch the scallop can help it shrink less.  Don't over cook it however, once it is white and hard, it is fully cooked.
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2- Before thicken the sauce, adjust the taste of the sauce accordingly.  Add water if too salty or add salt if it is tasteless.
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3- Click here to understand what is (Cooking terms in this receipy)
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