

食譜: 薑汁撞奶 (Milk pudding with ginger flavor)

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星期五啦, 呵呵, 星期一感恩節, 放假啦, 不過我無咩特別節目呀, 諗著都係休息吓, 執吓屋咁啦, 最多唱吓k 咁啦, 哈哈

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放假當然唔會出食譜啦, 大家不況試吓我過去我出個嘅食譜啦, 如果大家有咩疑難, 不況留言, 我會盡我所能去答大家

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今日哩個甜品話易又得, 話難整又得, 因為材料做法都好簡單, 算得係易, 但偏偏唔係咁多人能夠次次整到, 我做過1次咁大把, 都叫成功, 唔知下一次整唔整到啦, 哈哈

簡單嘅甜品, 永遠都容易出錯係一啲唔起眼嘅地方, 哩個甜品,

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首先, 薑, 最好, 揀一啲老啲, 乾身啲老薑, 因為老薑入面嘅白色粉沫比較多, 係薑汁撞奶必要嘅原素, 如果薑太新, 白色粉沫則較少, 咁要用薑汁相對要較多, 咁個味道就會變得太辣,
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其次當然係奶, 由於好多市面嘅奶, 唔係純牛奶, 好多都係加左工, 如加鈣, 加味, 或脫脂等等, 哩啲奶都好難做得到又香又滑嘅撞奶, 甚至溝唔埋添, 所以大家買奶, 要留意個成份, 一定要買純牛奶, 1%, 2%, 3%肥都無所謂, 但唔好脫脂, 亦唔好加左其他野呀

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最後一定要注意奶嘅溫度啦, 無溫度計的話, 就大約煲到奶出煙, 有少少蝦眼就好停, 否則就太高溫啦, 有溫度計嘅朋友, 就不況煲奶到90度華氏, 再等佢跌到80度就可以撞啦, 
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撞奶最適合嘅溫度就係70-80度, 太凍唔得, 太熱都唔得, 所以一定要好小心


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我肯定你一定做到一碗又滑, 又香, 成碗豆腐花咁嘅薑汁撞奶, 如果你放湯匙係面唔沉, 感覺好似放係豆腐上面, 咁就成功啦, 大家不況試吓啦

正所謂: 薑汁撞奶好容易, 每個步驟要留意  

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烹調時間: 20分鐘左右      份量: 2人

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1- 純牛奶2杯(440 ml) (2 cup of milk, 440ml)
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 糖3茶匙 (3 tsp of sugar)
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3- 老薑1大舊, 去皮 (Dried ginger 1 large pieces, peeled)
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1- 先將薑磨成茸, 壓出薑汁(圖1), 薑汁隔好渣, 取3湯匙, 平均分佈於2個碗中
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中火將牛奶煮滾, 約90度攝氏, 熄火加入糖攪勻, 待奶降溫至75-80度(圖2), 薑汁立即攪勻, 再將220ml奶平均撞入每個碗中, 用碟蓋過碗頂, 靜待5分鐘即成
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1- Grind the ginger.  Mesh it to get the juices (fig.1).  Filter it and take 3 tbsp of ginger juices.  Put 1 tbsp and half ginger juices evenly in 2 bowl.
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2- Boil the milk under medium heat until it reaches 90 Celsius.  Turn the heat off and stir in the sugar.  Wait until the milk temperature drops to 75-80 Celsius (fig.2).  Stir well the ginger juice in the bowl and pour the 220 ml milk into each bowl.  Cover with a small dish over the bowl.  Wait about 5 minutes.  Serve it in hot.
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1- 牛奶建議用普通純牛奶, 不要用加工牛奶如加鈣, 加其他香料等等
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2- 80度是最好的溫度去撞薑汁, 撞前, 薑汁一定要攪勻, 撞後卻不要再攪動

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1- It is recommended to use only the pure milk, not the one that has add artificial flavor or add other chemical ingredient.
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2- 80 Celsius is the desired temperature to pour into the ginger juice.  Ginger juice must be stir before pour in the milk.  Do not touch it after pour the milk into the bowl before serving

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