

食譜: 粟米蜜棗排骨湯 (Corn and spare ribs soup)

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今日首先要多謝何師奶, 何師傅先, 因為我收左佢送比我嘅禮物好耐啦, 懶到飛起嘅我, 一直都無upload 啲相上嚟答謝佢, 今日無論如何都要登出嚟, 誠心感謝佢啦

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睇吓, 有好多野架, 又有蝦乾, 何師傅精心製作嘅滷水包, 咖哩醬, 紫菜等等, 仲要空郵比我, 真係非常非常感謝您呀

大家都知啦, 何師傅廚藝了得唔再講, 佢亦係一個名星blogger, 無論係佢, 定係佢啲寶貝女都成日上雜誌,

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我真係覺得好榮幸, 可以收到佢啲禮物


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不過你知啦, 香港乜都有, 要買啲佢無得買嘅野, 真係有啲難度, 哈哈

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今日出個湯水比大家潤一潤啦, 粟米加蜜棗, 哩個組合, 一睇見都知個湯又嘅甜啦, 仲要加埋紅蘿蔔, 真係非常清甜

哩個湯水真係超簡單又有益, 真係隨時隨地就可以煲嚟飲,

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記得排骨要出水先, 會令湯比較乾淨, 唔喜歡排骨, 落豬蹍都得呀

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星期六日, 有多啲時間, 一於煲個靚湯, 好好享受吓啦

正所謂: 粟米蜜棗排骨湯, 簡單有益好健康

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(密碼 password: tonytsang)
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烹調時間: 120分鐘左右      份量: 4人

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1- 排骨半磅, 切段 (1/2 lbs of pork ribs, cut into section)
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 南杏20粒, 洗淨 (20 chinese "sweet" apricot kernel)
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3- 北杏10粒, 洗淨 (10 chinese "bitter" apricot kernel)
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4- 蜜棗3-4粒, 洗淨 (3-4 preserved red dates)
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5- 粟米2-3條, 切半 (2-3 fresh corns, cut into half)
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6- 紅蘿蔔3-4條, 去皮, 切段 (3-4 red carrots, peeled, cut into section)

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1- 先將排骨出水(煲5分鐘左右), 用凍水洗淨

將所有材料放入煲內, 加水到材料2倍半多身位, 蓋好蓋, 大火煲滾, 續煮5分鐘, 轉中火, 煲1個半小時, 加鹽調味即可 (其間, 若水份失去太多, 請自行加水)
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1- Boil the ribs in hot water for 5 min.  Rinse it under the cold water.  
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2- Put all the ingredients into a pot.  Add water up cover up 2 times and half of ingredients in the pot and heat through.  Once it is boiled, continue boil it for 5 min.   Reduce the heat to medium and continue boil it for 1 hours and half.  Add some salt to taste accordingly.  Serve it in hot.
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1- 湯唔怕多水煲, 因為太多水, 可以在最後轉用大火去蒸發多餘水份, 味道不變會的
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2- 北杏(較細粒)含有小量毒性, 不宜下太多
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3- 排骨可改用豬蹍

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1- It It will be easy to adjust the soup quantity with lot of water in the pot.  To reduce it, you just need to let it evaporate at the end until the desired level.
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2- Do not put too much "bitter" apricot kernel.
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3- You can replace the ribs with pork shin.

