

食譜:越南牛腩煲 (Brisket in Vietnam style)

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有唔少blog友, 都覺得係自己寫嘅野成日都比人抄, 好唔開心, 我都覺得哩啲抄人野嘅人好黑人憎

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有啲人真係好得意, 用我個食譜自己煮完, 就貼自己個作品幅相, 而食譜就係我哩邊一字不漏咁照抄, 又唔會列明個食譜係來自我個blog, 當係自己

有啲仲好笑, delete左我啲食物相又當係自己食譜,

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乜blog唔係自己本日記咩? 幾時變左用嚟抄人啲文章? 啲人真係唔知諗啲咩, 哈哈

今日哩個餸, 可能會考起大家,

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因為要一隻叫"越南牛腩調味粉"去整, 當然啦, 要自己整唔係唔得, 只係好麻煩, 已麻煩野就唔好搞我啦


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係香港同其他地方就唔知有無啦, 香港不況去啲買香料嘅舖頭問吓啦

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成個餸最麻煩當然係去油啦, 牛腩真係超肥, 所以我通常唔會炆完即刻食, 我會雪過夜, 等佢入晒味之餘, 仲令啲肥油結晒膏, 一刮就無, 非常之慳水慳力呀

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仲有呀, 牛筋記得唔好太早切呀, 要吃之前先好切, 否則會溶晒, 咁就徙料啦

雖然好似好紅咁, 但其實一啲都唔辣, 味道非常之好,

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用嚟送法國包, 仲一流呀, 大家記得一定要試吓啦

正所謂: 通少越南牛腩煲, 香濃惹味確係好

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(密碼 password: tonytsang)
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烹調時間: 120分鐘左右      份量: 6

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1- 牛腩 2 磅切成大塊 (2 lbs of beef brisket, cut into cube)
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 牛筋 1 磅左右 (1 lbs of beef Tendon)
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3- 蔥2條切段 (2 Green onion, cut into section)
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4- 薑片6塊 (6 slices of gingers)
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5- 西芹切段1杯 (1 cup of cut into section celery)
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6- 蒜頭4粒, 拍扁 (4 garlic, beaten)
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7- 紅蘿蔔去皮切段, 1杯 (2 cup of red carrot cut into section)
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份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
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1- 茄汁4湯匙 (4 tbsp of ketchup)
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2- 牛肉湯1罐 (1 cane beef broth)

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3- 鹽1茶匙 (1 tsp of salt)
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4- 越南牛腩調味粉2/3包 (2/3 bag of oriental beef spices)

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1- 先將先將牛腩, 牛筋連蔥和薑片出水(圖1), 用凍水洗淨, 隔好水備用
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快火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊, 爆香蒜頭, 加牛腩, 牛筋兜勻(圖2), 加入汁料兜勻, 再加水到剛蓋過材料煮滾(圖3), 放入壓力煲, 出煙夠壓力後煲10分鐘(圖4), 熄火, 待壓力消失
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3- 吃前再加入西芹和紅蘿蔔中火炆30分鐘碟, 取出牛筋切成大塊, 放回煲內兜勻, 上碟即成
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1- Blanch beef brisket and tendon along with ginger and green onion around 5 minutes (fig.1).  Drain it well and put it aside
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2- Heat the pan with some oil over high heat (at least 1 tbsp of oil).  Stir fry the garlic until fragrant..  Stir in the beef brisket and tendon and mix it well (fig.2).  Stir in the sauce mix and add water to cover the ingredient (fig.3).  Once it boiled, put all into a pressure cooker.  Boil under high pressure for 10 minutes (fig.4).  Turn the heat off and wait until the pressure gone naturally.
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3- Simmer the celery and red carrots under medium heat 30 minutes before serve.  Cut the tendon into large pieces and put back into the pot.  Dish it up and serve it in hot.

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1- 牛筋煲太耐會溶, 所以臨吃時才好切件
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2- 隔夜先入味, 即日食點都係唔會入味, 而且比較肥

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3- 高壓煲各人火力, 壓力調節不同, 請自行調整時間及壓力設定
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4- 如無高壓煲, 則改用慢火煮2小時, 同時, 水亦要加多1杯

1- Cut the beef tendon before serve to avoid it dissolve completely in the sauce.
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2- Serve the day after cook will taste better.

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3- Different brand of pressure cooker has different setting and power.  Make sure you have adjust it accordingly.
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4- If you don't have pressure cooker, you can simmer the shin for 2 hour instead under low heat.  Also add 1 additional cup of water.
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