

食譜: 豆沙鍋餅 (Red bean crepes)

上星期休息左兩日, 估唔到,
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今日返工都仲係咁累呀, 真係救命呀, 嚟緊哩個星期一終於有假放啦, 真係等左好耐啦

奧運閉幕啦, 不過閉幕唔夠開幕時咁震撼呀, 咁當然係理想當然嘅, 開幕用咁多錢,

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閉幕都要咁做容乜易破產呀, 哈哈

今日出甜品呀, 哩個豆沙鍋餅係食上海菜嘅餐廳成日都會叫,

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但係出面食由於用油去炸, 非常之油膩

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係屋企整, 其實好簡單, 不過都有啲地方要注意, 例如雞蛋, 發勻之後要隔過先會滑, 因為蛋入面有筋, 隔左咁蛋皮先會滑

做蛋皮好多人都會叫你燒熱個鑊先落蛋漿, 但咁做, 其實有個難度, 因為蛋一受熱就會成形, 

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好難會做到又薄, 又平均, 又完整嘅蛋皮

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所以我建議大家用易潔平底鑊, 唔好燒熱, 慢慢加蛋漿, 加少少就搖吓個鑊等蛋漿伸展到四周, 如果夠蛋漿, 先再加少少直至成個鑊都沾滿一層薄薄嘅蛋漿為止, 咁先開慢火, 等佢成型

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咁樣做, 我保證你個蛋皮一定超薄超靚, 大家一定要用易潔平底鑊, 因為佢係唯一可以唔加油都煎到蛋皮又唔黏底呀


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會好甜呀, 所以唔好太貪心呀, 一開始個蛋皮唔需要煎到太深色, 因為要包完仲要煎多次, 如果大家想金黃鬆脆, 就用油炸啦, 不過當然會肥好多啦, 隨你喜歡啦

正所謂: 豆沙鍋餅咁靚仔, 招呼朋友夠得睇 

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(密碼: tonytsang)
onytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 25分鐘左右

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1- 1/4茶匙鹽 (1/4 tsp of salt)
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 1茶匙糖 ( 1 tbsp of sugar)
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3- 40克麵粉 (40g of all purpose white flour)
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4- 20克懦米粉 (20g of glutinous rice flour)
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5- 蛋1隻 (1 egg)
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6- 日本粗粒豆沙蓉200g (200g of Japanese red bean paste)

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7- 水90ml (90 ml water)
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1- 先將所有材料攪勻 (圖1), 豆沙用保鮮紙壓成2塊長方型備用 (圖2)
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易潔平底鑊先搽勻生油, 再半份蛋漿平均倒入平底至填滿, 才開中火煮成蛋餅, 取出待涼, 放上豆沙, 再用蛋皮接好(圖3), 再用餘下材料重覆再做多塊豆沙餅
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3- 中火落1湯匙油起鑊,  將接好的豆沙餅煎至金黃
(圖4), 上碟即成 
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1- Blend all the ingredients together (fig1).  Press the red bean by using the plastic wrap to make it to rectangular sharp (fig.2).  Put it aside
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2- Spread the oil evenly in the non-sticky pan.  Fill in half of the mixture.  Then heat the pan under medium heat until the egg is firmed.  Take it out and let it cool down.  Put the red bean in the middle and fold it well. (fig.3). Continue the same step until finishing up all the ingredients
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3- Heat the pan with 1 tbsp of oil under medium heat.  Fry the soft cake until both sides turn brown.  Dish up and s
erve it in hottonytsang and kareny recipy

1- 摺口不況用餘下的蛋汁封好, 煎時不易鬆開
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2- 要像街一樣金黃鬆脆的話, 摺好後, 可以再用油炸
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1- Seal the soft cake with the rest of the egg mixture.
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2- You can deep fry the soft cake to make it crispy and golden
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