

食譜: 茶菇雲耳炆雞柳 (Fry chicken with special fungus)

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凍到我都唔知講咩好, 明明係8月, 點解哩邊可以咁凍呢, 真係諗極都唔明呀

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返工哩幾日都好忙, 各位blog友, sorry, 我無咩時間去你到參觀呀, 不過我一有時間就會去你到留言啦

長話短說啦, 因為真係有啲忙呀, 今日出哩個餸, 用左茶樹菇, 其實我都係第一次用, 味道都唔錯喎, 上網查過呀,

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原本茶樹菇都幾有益呀, 佢有助治療胃寒、腎虛、慢性腎炎、水腫等疾病,降膽固醇,且有防癌功效, 所以真係唔怕食多啲

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佢一啲都唔難處理, 浸吓佢, 去左尾, 洗吓佢就用得, 煮2-4分鐘就已經熟啦, 所以真係好好用, 我得閒都會再用佢煮吓其他餸先得

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雞肉好多人炆完會鞋, 其實如果你煎封好, 用中火炆15-20分鐘, 雞肉仍然會好滑, 但你無信心的話, 不況先煎封, 再加3湯匙水蓋頂, 半煎半蒸咁去煮熟啲雞肉先, 當汁料煮好晒, 先回鑊炆多2-3分鐘就上碟, 包你啲雞滑過蛋撻呀, 不過記得要煎封呀, 否則....呵呵

哩個餸咁簡單又有益, 你無理由唔試吓啦, 快啲買料去煮啦

正所謂: 茶菇雲耳炆雞柳, 好味有益又快手

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 40分鐘左右

1- 茶樹菇約200克, 浸軟, 去蒂 (200g Agrocybe aegerila, soaked, stemmed off)
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2- 無皮雞扒6件, 切件 (6 boneless chicken fillet, cut into pieces)
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3- 中型洋蔥1個, 切件 (1 onion, peeled, cut into pieces)
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4- 蒜蓉2茶匙 (2 tsp chopped garlic)
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5- 薑片3片 (3 slices of ginger)
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6- 雲耳150g, 浸軟, 去蒂 (150g black fungus, soaked, stemmed off)

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)

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1- 水半杯 (1/2 tbsp of water)
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 蠔油3湯匙 (3 tbsp oyster sauce)

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糖1茶匙 (1 tsp sugar)

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4- 麻油2茶匙 (2 tsp sesame oil)

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1- 雞件肉用基本野醃20分鐘備用(圖1)
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快火落油(1湯匙)起鑊, 先爆香蒜頭, 薑片, 落洋蔥和1茶匙鹽炒至軟身(圖2), 再落雞肉炒至兩面金黃(圖3), 加入茶樹菇和雲耳略炒
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3- 加入水, 蓋頂, 轉中火紋至雞肉熟透(約5分鐘), 加入其他汁料兜勻上碟享用 

1- Marinade the chicken with the basic Seasoning for 20 min (fig1).
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2- Heat the pan with some oil (1 tbsp) over high heat.  Stir-fry the garlic and ginger until fragrant.  Stir in the onion and saute it with 1 tsp of salt until soft (fig2).  Stir-in the chicken and stir-fry it until both sides turn brown (fig.3).  Stir in the Agrocybe and fungus, and mix it well.
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3- Mix in the water and heat through.  Reduce the heat to medium and simmer it until the chicken is fully cooked (around 5 minutes).  Mix in the rest of sauce mix and mix it well.  Dish up and serve it hot
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1- 汁料要杰一點, 可以開生粉水, 逐少加入汁料兜至杰身
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2- 雞肉要用快火煎封, 就能保持它的肉汁
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1- Add bit by bit of corn starch mixed with cold water to the sauce mix if you want thicken the sauce
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2- Brown both sides of the chicken as soon as you can will keep the moisture of the chicken
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ny recipy

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