

食譜: 香脆椰汁黃金糕 (Baked coconut cake)

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首先要係哩到多謝好多昨日第一次留言嘅blog友, 你地所有嘅留言同讚賞, 令我覺得寫哩個blog嘅努力無白費, 我亦要多謝一路以來, 都支持我, 成日留言比我嘅blog 友, 無你地一路以來嘅支持同鼓勵, 我諗我無動力, 去寫咁多野

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真的, 我嘅快樂同滿足感係大家帶比我呀

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呵呵, 返埋今日就有假放啦, 星期一勞工日, 唔需要開工呀, 呵呵

我屋企車房路同後園終於動工呀, 預計下個星期尾前完成呀, 好啦, 我對著啲雜草叢真係好頭痕, 宜家開工, 咁啲雜草就自己會剷走晒啦, 唔需要再擔心啦, 你知嘛,

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個雜草叢真係可以藏好多昆蟲猛獸, 一個唔小心比佢地咬到就唔好啦, 哈哈

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放假唔會周圍去啦, 會好好休息, 執吓行李, 仲有一個星期就去旅行啦, 所以都要好好準備一吓, 諗起都覺得開心啦

哩個椰汁糕, 我做極都唔夠譚媽媽好味,

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雖然照足佢個食譜, 但我覺得我哩個始終都係唔多夠煙韌呀, 所以話呢, 用同一樣嘅料, 但經唔同嘅人, 就會有唔同嘅味道

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呵呵, 我整完之後檢討過, 將譚媽媽寫嘅份量改左啲, 希望下次或你地整時, 可以整得煙韌啲, 我最要係減少左奶嘅份量, 等佢唔好咁多水份呀


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等個椰汁糕暖暖地, 先好品嘗佢, 太熱啲話, 口感唔得軟糯呀, 但太凍食就唔夠熱熱地食個感覺咁完美呀, 就算隔日食, 我都會建議大家放入焗爐焗暖先食會好啲呀

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材料簡單, 少少份量就可以做4底, 整完自己食時又可以請朋友食, 自己可以享受時又可以益朋馳, 真係好值得大家試吓呀

正所謂: 香脆椰汁黃金糕, 人人食過都讚好 

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間(Estimated cooking time): 55 minutes 
份量(portion): 4 cakes

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 大蛋4隻 (4 large eggs)
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2- 椰奶500ml (500 ml of coconut milk)
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3- 糯米粉400克 (400g of glutinous rice flour)
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4- 砂糖1又3/4杯 (1+ 3/4 cup of sugar)
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5- 鮮奶80ml (80 ml of milk)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
6- 食油 180 ml (180 ml of cooking oil)
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tonytsang and kareny recipy
焗爐先開350F 預熱, 所有材料(除糯米粉)先搞勻 (圖1), 再加入糯米粉輕手攪勻, 再用攪拌器慢速攪至無粉粒 (圖2)
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粉漿用隔濾入四個錫紙焗盤 (圖3), 放入焗爐焗40分鐘 (圖4)或至金黃即可
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Pre-heat the oven with 350F.  Mix well all the ingredient (expect the flour) (fig.1).  Add the flour in the mixture, and mix it gently.  Blend the mixture with a processor in low speed until smooth (fig.2). 
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2- Filter the mixture and add into 4 aluminium tray (fig.3).  Put it into the oven and bake for 40 minutes (fig.4) or until it is golden.  Serve it in hot.
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1- 粉槳攪至無粉粒即可, 不要攪得太耐
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2- 粉加入蛋槳時, 先輕輕攪勻, 用攪拌器攪時就不怕粉就圍飛
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1- Do not over blending the mixture.
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2- Mix gently the flour into the mixture before blending can make blending process easier

