

食譜: 南乳蓮藕炆排骨 (Stir fry ribs with Lotus roots in special sauce)

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哩幾日心情都唔係幾好, 返工無心機, 煮飯亦無咩心機, 玩wii 都無咩心機呀, 唔知做咩呢, 只係好想乜都唔洗做, 由朝休息到晚, 哈哈, 可能係懶蟲入骨呀

好彩, 我心情唔好, 但係天氣好, 每日都唔係好熱, 唔係我就身心都唔舒服, 會好痛苦,

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太太話瞓得唔好, 我昨日煲左啲鮮杞子白合圓肉比佢, 希望佢飲完會好啲啦, 聽講圓肉同白合都有安神作用, 杞子則對眼有益

今日哩個餸, 講起都覺得好香口, 因為用南乳去爆香呀, 好多人都會淨用南乳, 我就會加埋柱候醬一齊爆, 再加埋紹興酒,

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嘩, 真係香到呀, 都未炆已經留晒口水啦

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蓮藕記得要切薄少少, 咁做可以快啲炆腍呀, 炆炆下發覺唔夠水, 可以加熱水, 記得炆野唔好咁早調味呀, 到炆好啦, 準備上碟時, 先落啲生抽, 鹽調味, 咁就唔怕啲味太濃啦

哩味餸咁簡單, 記得快啲試吓啦, 實難唔到你呀

正所謂: 南乳蓮藕炆排骨, 香口惹味確係得

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(密碼: tonytsang)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
烹調時間: 35分鐘左右

tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 排骨1磅半, 已切短 (1.5 lbs pork ribs, cut into pieces)
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 蓮藕3個, 去皮切片 (3 small lotus roots, peeled, sliced)
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3- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (1 tbsp chopped garlic)
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份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
1- 南乳2-3磚, 壓碎 (2 cubes of fermented red bean curd, mashed)
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2- 柱侯醬 2 湯匙 (2 tbsp Chu Hou Paste)
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3- 老抽1/2湯匙 (1/2 tbsp black soya sauce)

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4- 生抽湯匙 (1 tbsp soya sauce)
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5- 片糖1/4片, 壓碎(1/4 piece of slab sugar, mash)
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6- 紹酒1湯匙 (1 tbsp Shaoh-Sing wine)
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7- 鹽1茶匙 (a bit of Salt)

tonytsang and kareny recipy
排骨出水(5分鐘)洗淨(圖1), 快火落油起鑊, 爆香蒜蓉, 再炒排骨, 加南乳, 柱侯醬, 老抽, 紹酒炒至金黃(圖2), 加入蓮藕炒一炒
tonytsang and kareny recipy
加水至蓋過1/2材料, 加蓋(圖3), 待水一滾, 加入片糖, 改慢火紋至蓮藕軟身, 最後才加生抽和鹽調味, 上碟即成
tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- Blanch the ribs in boiling water for 5 mins (Fig.1).  Rinse and drain well.  Heat the pan with oil over high heat.  Fry the garlic until fragrant.  Stir in the red bean curd, chu hou sauce, black soya and wine.  Stir-fry the ribs until it turns brown (fig.2).  Stir in the lotus roots and stir-fry it for 1-2 minutes.
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Add the water to cover 1/2 of ingredients (fig.3).  Once the sauce is boiled, add the sugar and reduce the heat to low.  Simmer until the lotus roots are soft.  Stir-in the soya and salt to taste.  Dish up and serve it in hot. 
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1- 排骨可以不出水, 改用基本野醃15分鐘, 再炒香
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2- 如果炆到乾了水, 可以加熱水補充
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3- 如果最後汁料太多又稀, 可以加生粉水埋獻
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1- You can marinade the ribs with basic seasoning 15 minutes instead of blanching it
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If it starts dry out, you can add some hot water
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3- Stir in the corn starch mixed with cold water to thicken the sauce if necessary.

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