

食譜: 荔枝奶凍 (lychee pudding)

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係溫哥華嘅blog友, 要麻煩你地啦, 我9月會有2日會去溫哥華話呀, 請問有咩茶餐廳, 中餐, 日本餐你地係推薦呢? 最好唔好太貴啦, 如果有, 請私人回覆話我知啦, 多謝晒啦

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今日心情都係麻麻地呀, 等我出個甜品, 希望大家吃完會開開心心, 我出完又會快啲心情好轉啦, 呵呵


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個方情式都係一樣啦, 即係650至700ml, 就加16-18g 魚膠粉, 之後你要整咩味都可以呀

我用罐頭荔枝(因為我先前減價買左兩罐, 一罐已經比我消滅左做蘇梅荔枝雞柳, 所以仲有一罐),

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方便快捷, 如果你要用新鮮都可以, 咁記得加多啲冰糖, 而罐頭糖水, 就用普通水代替就得啦

我屋企無大菜, 如果你地有, 不況用大菜嚟整,

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但要落幾多, 我就唔知啦, 大菜同魚膠粉最大分別係魚膠粉雪完會軟身, 而大菜會有啲爽啦, 所以隨你口味去選擇啦

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(密碼: tonytsang)
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烹調時間30分鐘左右 (唔計雪藏時間)

份量自供參考 (just for reference only)
1- 罐頭荔枝230克, 切粒 (230g lychee from the cane, drained, diced)
tonytsang and kareny recipy
2- 罐頭荔枝糖水300ml (300ml lychee syrups from the cane)
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3- 魚膠粉16克 (16g Gelatin powder)
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4- 冰糖30克 (30g Rock sugar)
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5- 奶200ml (200 ml milk)
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6- 水150 ml  (150 ml water)

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tonytsang and kareny recipy
1- 魚膠粉加入50ml凍水浸透, 再用滾水坐熱, 攪成魚膠漿備用
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2- 水100ml水滾起, 先加冰糖煮至溶化, 取出加入荔枝糖水及罐頭荔枝攪勻, 再加入已溶的魚膠漿和奶攪勻, 平均倒入器皿, 雪4小時即成 
tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- Soak the gelatin powder in 50ml cold water for a short time (about 5 minutes) in a container.  Gently warm the water until the gelatin has melted.  Put it aside
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Boil the 100ml water.  Stir in the rock sugar until it has melted.  Put it aside and stir in the lychee and lychee syrups.  Stir in the gelatin, milk and mix well.  Pour the solution into a container gently.  Freeze it in a fridge for 4 hrs.  Enjoy it.
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1- 要硬身一點可以加多點魚膠粉
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2- 雪前一定落煮得好甜, 雪完甜味會略減
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3- 奶其實最好用花奶, 否則用鮮奶也可以
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1- You can add little bit more of gelatin to make it harder
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2- You have to make it sweeter before put into the fridge. 
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3- Evaporated milk is recommended.  Otherwise, you can normal milk.

